[PDF][PDF] Analysis of factors affecting share prices: The case of Bahrain stock exchange

T Sharif, H Purohit, R Pillai - International Journal of Economics …, 2015 - researchgate.net
The 2007 global financial crisis caused unprecedented upheavals in the global stock
markets and has shaken investor's confidence due to the turbulent fluctuations and …

The impact of dividend policy on share price volatility in the Malaysian stock market

M Hashemijoo, A Mahdavi Ardekani… - Journal of business …, 2012 - papers.ssrn.com
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between dividend policy and
share price volatility with a focus on consumer product companies listed in Malaysian stock …

Dividend payment and its impact on the value of firms listed on Istanbul stock exchange: A residual income approach

A Budagaga - International Journal of Economics and Financial …, 2017 - dergipark.org.tr
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of dividend payments on the value of firms
listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The study has been adapted the Residual …

Reaction of stock prices to dividend announcements and market efficiency in Pakistan

M Akbar, HH Baig - The Lahore Journal of Economics, 2010 - nja.pastic.gov.pk
This study tests the semi-strong form of market efficiency by investigating the reaction of
stock prices to dividend announcements. It analyzes cash, stock, and simultaneous cash …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of dividends on stock prices–A case of chemical and pharmaceutical industry of Pakistan

KI Khan - Management, 2012 - researchgate.net
Corporate sector of Pakistan is adversely facing competition due to economic downturn in
the world and making efforts to survive in a competitive and uncertain economic …

Dividend policy and shareholders' value: evidence from listed companies in Ghana

D Ofori‐Sasu, JY Abor, AK Osei - African Development Review, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines the effect of dividend policy on shareholder value of listed companies
in Ghana. It analyses the factors affecting dividend policy and how dividend policy affects …

[PDF][PDF] Can dividend decisions affect the stock prices: A case of dividend paying companies of KSE

KI Khan, M Aamir, A Qayyum, A Nasir… - … Research Journal of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
Dividend policy is widely researched topic in the field of finance but still it remains a mystery
to decide whether dividend policy affects the Stock Prices or not. This paper is an attempt to …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of dividend on stock price in emerging stock market: A study on the listed private commercial banks in DSE

MB Ali, TA Chowdhury - International journal of Economics and …, 2010 - academia.edu
Stock price reactions to the announcement of dividend of the banking industry of
Bangladesh are empirically analyzed. This study examines stock price reactions of listed …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of dividend policy on share price: A conceptual review

H Raza, S Ramakrishnan, S Gillani… - International Journal of …, 2018 - academia.edu
In modern corporate world, dividend policy is one of the most debatable issues in corporate
finance. The academic literature related to effect of dividend policy on share price has grown …

Effect of dividend policy on stock prices

I Sharif, ALİ Adnan, FA Jan - Business & management studies: an …, 2015 - bmij.org
This investigates the effect of dividend policy on stock prices. Objective of the study is to see
if there exists any relationship between dividend policy and stock prices. We analyzed 45 …