[HTML][HTML] Micro-fabricated components for cold atom sensors
Laser cooled atoms have proven transformative for precision metrology, playing a pivotal
role in state-of-the-art clocks and interferometers and having the potential to provide a step …
role in state-of-the-art clocks and interferometers and having the potential to provide a step …
Additive manufacturing of magnetic shielding and ultra-high vacuum flange for cold atom sensors
Recent advances in the understanding and control of quantum technologies, such as those
based on cold atoms, have resulted in devices with extraordinary metrological performance …
based on cold atoms, have resulted in devices with extraordinary metrological performance …
Single-layer atom chip for continuous operation: Design, fabrication and performance
A single-layer atom chip for laser cooling and trap** of atoms which operates in a
continuous regime is designed and experimentally investigated. The continuous regime was …
continuous regime is designed and experimentally investigated. The continuous regime was …
Development and characterization of atom chip for magnetic trap** of atoms
In this work, we report the development and characterization of an atom chip for magnetic
trap** of cold 87 Rb atoms. For fabrication of the atom chip, a silicon substrate was used …
trap** of cold 87 Rb atoms. For fabrication of the atom chip, a silicon substrate was used …
3D-printed components for quantum devices
Recent advances in the preparation, control and measurement of atomic gases have led to
new insights into the quantum world and unprecedented metrological sensitivities, eg in …
new insights into the quantum world and unprecedented metrological sensitivities, eg in …
Generalized Josephson effect in an asymmetric double-well potential at finite temperatures
We investigate a noninteracting many-particle bosonic system, placed in an asymmetric
double-well potential. We first consider the dynamics of a single particle and determine its …
double-well potential. We first consider the dynamics of a single particle and determine its …
Dispersion-managed elliptical atomtronics for interferometry
Circular atomtronics is known to exhibit a uniform ground state, unlike elliptical atomtronics.
In elliptical atomtronics, the matter wave tends to accumulate along the semimajor edges …
In elliptical atomtronics, the matter wave tends to accumulate along the semimajor edges …
Revealing short-range non-Newtonian gravity through Casimir–Polder shielding
We carry out a realistic, yet simple, calculation of the Casimir–Polder interaction in the
presence of a metallic shield in order to aid the design of experiments to test non-Newtonian …
presence of a metallic shield in order to aid the design of experiments to test non-Newtonian …
Multiparameter quantum metrology with bright solitons
A quantum metrology problem of simultaneous measurement and estimation of several
phase parameters was considered in the framework of current tendencies of development of …
phase parameters was considered in the framework of current tendencies of development of …
Ultracold matter systems and atomtronics instrumentation.
EA Salim - 2011 - search.proquest.com
Ultracold matter has tremendous potential for applications in the fields of quantum
computing, atomic clocks, precision magnetometery, and inertial navigation. In order for …
computing, atomic clocks, precision magnetometery, and inertial navigation. In order for …