[Књига][B] Theoretical and empirical foundations of critical global citizenship education

CA Torres - 2017 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Critical Global Citizenship
Education In the first volume in the Critical Global Citizenship Education series, Carlos Alberto …

Global citizenship education and the crises of multiculturalism

M Tarozzi, CA Torres - 2016 - torrossa.com
Names: Tarozzi, Massimiliano, author.| Torres, Carlos Alberto, author. Title: Global
citizenship education and the crises of multiculturalism: comparative perspectives …

Equity, democracy, and neoliberal assaults on teacher education

C Sleeter - Teaching and teacher education, 2008 - Elsevier
Although in the long run, neoliberalism has a track record of undermining equity and
democracy, in the short run it has directed attention to education needs that have been …

Teachers' approaches toward cultural diversity predict diversity-related burnout and self-efficacy

T Gutentag, G Horenczyk… - Journal of Teacher …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
We examine the ways in which, and the extent to which, DOPA (Diversity in Organizations:
Perceptions and Approaches; that is, asset, problem, challenge, or nonissue) approaches …

[Књига][B] Transforming the multicultural education of teachers: Theory, research, and practice

MJ Vavrus - 2002 - books.google.com
Recognizing the responsibility institutions have to prepare teachers for today's diverse
classrooms, Vavrus shows us how to incorporate transformative multicultural education into …

Multiculturalism in the world system: towards a social justice model of inter/multicultural education

CA Torres, M Tarozzi - Globalisation, societies and education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Multiculturalism burst in Asia with the winds of globalisation. Fuelled by immigration, cultural
hybridity and normative regimes from multilateral and bilateral organisations …

[HTML][HTML] Reclaiming agency: Justice-oriented social studies teachers respond to changing curricular standards

AG Dover, N Henning, R Agarwal-Rangnath - Teaching and Teacher …, 2016 - Elsevier
Emphases on high-stakes testing and accountability can undermine teachers' ability to use
their professional expertise to respond to the localized needs of their students. For justice …

Multicultural education in the United States: Historical realities, ongoing challenges, and transformative possibilities

S Nieto - The Routledge international companion to …, 2009 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In the US cultural diversity (the coexistence of people of many different ethnic, racial, and
social-class backgrounds) and pluralism (the need for them to live together with common …

Telling and retelling about self and “others”: How pre-service teachers (re) interpret privilege and disadvantage in one college classroom

J Mueller, C O'Connor - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper examines how a group of mostly white,(upper) middle class pre-service teachers
expressed resistance in one multicultural education course. We analyze how these students …

The development of teachers' visions from preservice into their first years teaching: A longitudinal study

SA Parsons, M Vaughn, JA Malloy… - Teaching and teacher …, 2017 - Elsevier
Contemplating and articulating one's vision is a reflective process that guides teachers'
instruction and professional development. However, little research has explored how …