All-optical frequency division on-chip using a single laser
The generation of spectrally pure microwave signals is a critical functionality in fundamental
and applied sciences, including metrology and communications. Optical frequency combs …
and applied sciences, including metrology and communications. Optical frequency combs …
Temporal solitons in microresonators driven by optical pulses
Continuous-wave laser-driven, high-Q Kerr–nonlinear optical microresonators have enabled
the generation of optical frequency combs, ultralow-noise microwaves and ultrashort optical …
the generation of optical frequency combs, ultralow-noise microwaves and ultrashort optical …
Coherent optical communications using coherence-cloned Kerr soliton microcombs
Dissipative Kerr soliton microcombs have been recognized as a promising multi-wavelength
laser source for fiber optical communications, as their comb lines possess frequency and …
laser source for fiber optical communications, as their comb lines possess frequency and …
Dynamics of soliton self-injection locking in optical microresonators
Soliton microcombs constitute chip-scale optical frequency combs, and have the potential to
impact a myriad of applications from frequency synthesis and telecommunications to …
impact a myriad of applications from frequency synthesis and telecommunications to …
Ultralow-noise photonic microwave synthesis using a soliton microcomb-based transfer oscillator
The synthesis of ultralow-noise microwaves is of both scientific and technological relevance
for timing, metrology, communications and radio-astronomy. Today, the lowest reported …
for timing, metrology, communications and radio-astronomy. Today, the lowest reported …
Towards high-power, high-coherence, integrated photonic mmWave platform with microcavity solitons
Millimetre-wave (mmWave) technology continues to draw great interest due to its broad
applications in wireless communications, radar, and spectroscopy. Compared to pure …
applications in wireless communications, radar, and spectroscopy. Compared to pure …
Efficiency of pulse pumped soliton microcombs
Temporal soliton mode locking in coherently pumped microcavities is a promising route
towards miniaturized frequency comb systems. However, the power efficiency of the …
towards miniaturized frequency comb systems. However, the power efficiency of the …
kHz-precision wavemeter based on reconfigurable microsoliton
The mode-locked microcomb offers a unique and compact solution for photonics
applications, ranging from the optical communications, the optical clock, optical ranging, the …
applications, ranging from the optical communications, the optical clock, optical ranging, the …
Gain-switched semiconductor laser driven soliton microcombs
Dissipative Kerr soliton generation using self-injection-locked III-V lasers has enabled fully
integrated hybrid microcombs that operate in turnkey mode and can access microwave …
integrated hybrid microcombs that operate in turnkey mode and can access microwave …
Optical linewidth of soliton microcombs
Soliton microcombs provide a versatile platform for realizing fundamental studies and
technological applications. To be utilized as frequency rulers for precision metrology, soliton …
technological applications. To be utilized as frequency rulers for precision metrology, soliton …