Using inertial sensors for position and orientation estimation

M Kok, JD Hol, TB Schön - ar** pong ball with the quaternion bingham filter
J Glover, LP Kaelbling - 2014 IEEE international conference on …, 2014 -
A deterministic method for sequential estimation of 3-D rotations is presented. The Bingham
distribution is used to represent uncertainty directly on the unit quaternion hypersphere …

Bayesian pose graph optimization via bingham distributions and tempered geodesic mcmc

T Birdal, U Simsekli, MO Eken… - Advances in neural …, 2018 -
Abstract We introduce Tempered Geodesic Markov Chain Monte Carlo (TG-MCMC)
algorithm for initializing pose graph optimization problems, arising in various scenarios such …

Probabilistic pose estimation using a bingham distribution-based linear filter

R Arun Srivatsan, M Xu, N Zevallos… - … Journal of Robotics …, 2018 -
Pose estimation is central to several robotics applications such as registration, hand–eye
calibration, and simultaneous localization and map** (SLAM). Online pose estimation …

[PDF][PDF] Recursive Bingham filter for directional estimation involving 180 degree symmetry

G Kurz, I Gilitschenski, SJ Julier, U Hanebeck - Journal of Advances in …, 2014 -
Tracking cars, ships, or airplanes may involve estimation of their current orientation or
heading. Furthermore, many applications in the area of robotics or augmented reality …

A new probability distribution for simultaneous representation of uncertain position and orientation

I Gilitschenski, G Kurz, SJ Julier… - … on Information Fusion …, 2014 -
This work proposes a novel way to represent uncertainty on the Lie group of rigid-body
motions in the plane. This is achieved by using dual quaternions for representation of a …