CFD-PK model for nasal suspension sprays: Validation with human adult in vivo data for triamcinolone acetonide
The objectives of this study were to expand and implement a Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD)-Dissolution, Absorption and Clearance (DAC)-Pharmacokinetics (PK) multi-physics …
(CFD)-Dissolution, Absorption and Clearance (DAC)-Pharmacokinetics (PK) multi-physics …
[HTML][HTML] Importance of spray–wall interaction and post-deposition liquid motion in the transport and delivery of pharmaceutical nasal sprays
Nasal sprays, which produce relatively large pharmaceutical droplets and have high
momentum, are primarily used to deliver locally acting drugs to the nasal mucosa …
momentum, are primarily used to deliver locally acting drugs to the nasal mucosa …
Validating CFD predictions of nasal spray deposition: Inclusion of cloud motion effects for two spray pump designs
Momentum transfer from nasal spray droplets to the surrounding gas may create droplet
cloud motion and influence nasal deposition patterns. The objective of this study was to …
cloud motion and influence nasal deposition patterns. The objective of this study was to …
Importance of cloud motion and two-way momentum coupling in the transport of pharmaceutical nasal sprays
Nasal sprays, which produce relatively large pharmaceutical droplets with sizes mostly
higher than 10 μm, are primarily used to deliver locally acting drugs to the nasal mucosa …
higher than 10 μm, are primarily used to deliver locally acting drugs to the nasal mucosa …
Establishing quantitative relationships between changes in nasal spray in vitro metrics and drug delivery to the posterior nasal region
Nasal sprays are typically characterized using in vitro spray metrics such as spray cone
angle and droplet size distribution. It is currently not clear how these in vitro metrics correlate …
angle and droplet size distribution. It is currently not clear how these in vitro metrics correlate …