Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit
Drought-associated woody-plant mortality has been increasing in most regions with multi-
decadal records and is projected to increase in the future, impacting terrestrial climate …
decadal records and is projected to increase in the future, impacting terrestrial climate …
Pervasive shifts in forest dynamics in a changing world
BACKGROUND Forest dynamics arise from the interplay of chronic drivers and transient
disturbances with the demographic processes of recruitment, growth, and mortality. The …
disturbances with the demographic processes of recruitment, growth, and mortality. The …
Triggers of tree mortality under drought
Severe droughts have caused widespread tree mortality across many forest biomes with
profound effects on the function of ecosystems and carbon balance. Climate change is …
profound effects on the function of ecosystems and carbon balance. Climate change is …
Drought or/and heat-stress effects on seed filling in food crops: impacts on functional biochemistry, seed yields, and nutritional quality
Drought (water deficits) and heat (high temperatures) stress are the prime abiotic
constraints, under the current and climate change scenario in future. Any further increase in …
constraints, under the current and climate change scenario in future. Any further increase in …
Why is tree drought mortality so hard to predict?
Widespread tree mortality following droughts has emerged as an environmentally and
economically devastating 'ecological surprise'. It is well established that tree physiology is …
economically devastating 'ecological surprise'. It is well established that tree physiology is …
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
Widespread tree mortality associated with drought has been observed on all forested
continents and global change is expected to exacerbate vegetation vulnerability. Forest …
continents and global change is expected to exacerbate vegetation vulnerability. Forest …
Climate change, ecosystems and abrupt change: science priorities
Ecologists have long studied patterns, directions and tempos of change, but there is a
pressing need to extend current understanding to empirical observations of abrupt changes …
pressing need to extend current understanding to empirical observations of abrupt changes …
Drivers and mechanisms of tree mortality in moist tropical forests
Tree mortality rates appear to be increasing in moist tropical forests (MTF s) with significant
carbon cycle consequences. Here, we review the state of knowledge regarding MTF tree …
carbon cycle consequences. Here, we review the state of knowledge regarding MTF tree …
On underestimation of global vulnerability to tree mortality and forest die‐off from hotter drought in the Anthropocene
Patterns, mechanisms, projections, and consequences of tree mortality and associated
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
broad‐scale forest die‐off due to drought accompanied by warmer temperatures—“hotter …
Plant resistance to drought depends on timely stomatal closure
Stomata play a significant role in the Earth's water and carbon cycles, by regulating gaseous
exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere. Under drought conditions, stomatal …
exchanges between the plant and the atmosphere. Under drought conditions, stomatal …