Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat‐selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution
Habitat selection is a fundamental animal behavior that shapes a wide range of ecological
processes, including animal movement, nutrient transfer, trophic dynamics and population …
processes, including animal movement, nutrient transfer, trophic dynamics and population …
Applications of step-selection functions in ecology and conservation
Recent progress in positioning technology facilitates the collection of massive amounts of
sequential spatial data on animals. This has led to new opportunities and challenges when …
sequential spatial data on animals. This has led to new opportunities and challenges when …
Accounting for individual‐specific variation in habitat‐selection studies: Efficient estimation of mixed‐effects models using Bayesian or frequentist computation
Popular frameworks for studying habitat selection include resource‐selection functions
(RSFs) and step‐selection functions (SSFs), estimated using logistic and conditional logistic …
(RSFs) and step‐selection functions (SSFs), estimated using logistic and conditional logistic …
Integrated step selection analysis: bridging the gap between resource selection and animal movement
A resource selection function is a model of the likelihood that an available spatial unit will be
used by an animal, given its resource value. But how do we appropriately define …
used by an animal, given its resource value. But how do we appropriately define …
Practical guidance on characterizing availability in resource selection functions under a use–availability design
Habitat selection is a fundamental aspect of animal ecology, the understanding of which is
critical to management and conservation. Global positioning system data from animals allow …
critical to management and conservation. Global positioning system data from animals allow …
Should we consider individual behavior differences in applied wildlife conservation studies?
Individually distinctive behavioral traits, or personalities, contribute to population-level
processes and ecological interactions important in applied wildlife conservation research …
processes and ecological interactions important in applied wildlife conservation research …
Relative selection strength: Quantifying effect size in habitat‐and step‐selection inference
Habitat‐selection analysis lacks an appropriate measure of the ecological significance of the
statistical estimates—a practical interpretation of the magnitude of the selection coefficients …
statistical estimates—a practical interpretation of the magnitude of the selection coefficients …
Establishing the link between habitat selection and animal population dynamics
Although classical ecological theory (eg, on ideal free consumers) recognizes the potential
effect of population density on the spatial distribution of animals, empirical species …
effect of population density on the spatial distribution of animals, empirical species …
Habitat selection by spotted owls after a megafire reflects their adaptation to historical frequent-fire regimes
Context Climate and land-use change have led to disturbance regimes in many ecosystems
without a historical analog, leading to uncertainty about how species adapted to past …
without a historical analog, leading to uncertainty about how species adapted to past …
Identifying indirect habitat loss and avoidance of human infrastructure by northern mountain woodland caribou
Understanding the impact of indirect habitat loss resulting from avoidance of human
infrastructure is an important conservation priority. We evaluated resource selection for 10 …
infrastructure is an important conservation priority. We evaluated resource selection for 10 …