A lexicon for Vietnamese language processing
Only very recently have Vietnamese researchers begun to be involved in the domain of
Natural Language Processing (NLP). As there does not exist any published work in formal …
Natural Language Processing (NLP). As there does not exist any published work in formal …
Lexical descriptions for Vietnamese language processing
Only very recently have Vietnamese re-searchers begun to be involved in the do-main of
Natural Language Processing. As there does not exist any published work in formal …
Natural Language Processing. As there does not exist any published work in formal …
Outils et ressources linguistiques pour l'alignement de textes multilingues français-vietnamiens
TMH Nguyen - 2006 - theses.hal.science
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire porte sur la construction des outils et ressources
linguistiques pour les tâches fondamentales de traitement automatique de la langue …
linguistiques pour les tâches fondamentales de traitement automatique de la langue …
Develo** tools and building linguistic resources for vietnamese morpho-syntactic processing
Vietnamese is spoken by about 80 millions people around the world, yet very few concrete
works on this language have been noticed in Natural Language Processing (NLP) until now …
works on this language have been noticed in Natural Language Processing (NLP) until now …
Etiquetage morpho-syntaxique des textes arabes par modèle de Markov caché
A El Jihad, A Yousfi - Actes de la 12ème conférence sur le …, 2005 - aclanthology.org
L'étiquetage des textes est un outil très important pour le traitement automatique de
langage, il est utilisé dans plusieurs applications par exemple l'analyse morphologique et …
langage, il est utilisé dans plusieurs applications par exemple l'analyse morphologique et …
Vietnamese document representation and classification
Vietnamese is very different from English and little research has been done on Vietnamese
document classification, or indeed, on any kind of Vietnamese language processing, and …
document classification, or indeed, on any kind of Vietnamese language processing, and …
[PDF][PDF] Morpho-syntactic tagging system based on the patterns words for arabic texts.
Text tagging is a very important tool for various applications in natural language processing,
namely the morphological and syntactic analysis of texts, indexation and information …
namely the morphological and syntactic analysis of texts, indexation and information …
Text categorization for vietnamese documents
Many machine learning methods have been proposed for text categorization, but most
research has applied them to English documents. Vietnamese is a different language with …
research has applied them to English documents. Vietnamese is a different language with …
[PDF][PDF] Jeu d'étiquettes morphosyntaxiques de la langue amazighe
FA Allah, S Boulaknadel, H Souifi - Asinag, 2014 - researchgate.net
L'étiquetage morphosyntaxique, appelé aussi étiquetage grammatical ou part-ofspeech
tagging (POS tagging, en anglais), est un préalable pour de nombreuses applications du …
tagging (POS tagging, en anglais), est un préalable pour de nombreuses applications du …
A Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar for Vietnamese
In this paper, we present the first sizable grammar built for Vietnamese using LTAG,
developed over the past two years, named vnLTAG. This grammar aims at modelling written …
developed over the past two years, named vnLTAG. This grammar aims at modelling written …