Map** the Landscape of Misinformation Detection: A Bibliometric Approach

A Sandu, I Ioanăș, C Delcea, LM Geantă, LA Cotfas - Information, 2024 -
The proliferation of misinformation presents a significant challenge in today's information
landscape, impacting various aspects of society. While misinformation is often confused with …

Truth be told: How “true” and “false” labels influence user engagement with fact-checks

N Aruguete, I Bachmann, E Calvo… - New Media & …, 2023 -
When do users share fact-checks on social media? We describe a survey experiment
conducted during the 2019 election in Argentina measuring the propensity of voters to share …

Measuring the effect of political alignment, platforms, and fake news consumption on voter concern for election processes

J Stachofsky, LC Schaupp, RE Crossler - Government Information Quarterly, 2023 - Elsevier
Fake news, propagated on social media platforms, is regularly used as a tool to influence
political beliefs. In this paper, we investigate the impact of fake news on perceptions of …

Can AI reduce motivated reasoning in news consumption? Investigating the role of attitudes towards AI and prior-opinion in sha** trust perceptions of news

M Wischnewski, N Krämer - HHAI2022: Augmenting human …, 2022 -
A central role in understanding the interaction between humans and AI plays the notion of
trust. Especially research from social and cognitive psychology has shown, however, that …

[CARTE][B] Misinformation on social media: A user perspective on information evaluation comparing Germany and the United States

I Freiling - 2021 -
Recently, concerns about misinformation have received much public attention as labels by
the World Health Organization like “infodemic” for misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 …

Mama, kennst du TikTok?

C Seeger - Medien–Biografien–Generationen, 2024 -
Kinder und Jugendliche wachsen in digitalisierten und sich rasch verändernden
Medienumgebun‐gen auf und brauchen entsprechend das nötige Rüstzeug, um sicher und …