Optics in the relativistic regime
The advent of ultraintense laser pulses generated by the technique of chirped pulse
amplification (CPA) along with the development of high-fluence laser materials has opened …
amplification (CPA) along with the development of high-fluence laser materials has opened …
High-order harmonics from laser-irradiated plasma surfaces
The investigation of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) of femtosecond laser pulses by
means of laser-produced plasmas is surveyed. This kind of harmonic generation is an …
means of laser-produced plasmas is surveyed. This kind of harmonic generation is an …
Kilotesla magnetic field due to a capacitor-coil target driven by high power laser
Laboratory generation of strong magnetic fields opens new frontiers in plasma and beam
physics, astro-and solar-physics, materials science and atomic and molecular physics …
physics, astro-and solar-physics, materials science and atomic and molecular physics …
Record indoor magnetic field of 1200 T generated by electromagnetic flux-compression
A peak field of 1200 T was generated by the electromagnetic flux-compression (EMFC)
technique with a newly developed megagauss generator system. Magnetic fields closely up …
technique with a newly developed megagauss generator system. Magnetic fields closely up …
[HTML][HTML] P3: An installation for high-energy density plasma physics and ultra-high intensity laser–matter interaction at ELI-Beamlines
S Weber, S Bechet, S Borneis, L Brabec… - Matter and Radiation …, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
ELI-Beamlines (ELI-BL), one of the three pillars of the Extreme Light Infrastructure
endeavour, will be in a unique position to perform research in high-energy-density-physics …
endeavour, will be in a unique position to perform research in high-energy-density-physics …
Relativistic laser–plasma interactions
By focusing petawatt peak power laser light to intensities up to 10 21 W cm− 2, highly
relativistic plasmas can now be studied. The force exerted by light pulses with this extreme …
relativistic plasmas can now be studied. The force exerted by light pulses with this extreme …
Probing the magnetic field of light at optical frequencies
Light is an electromagnetic wave composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, the
one never occurring without the other. In light-matter interactions at optical frequencies, the …
one never occurring without the other. In light-matter interactions at optical frequencies, the …
Extreme states of matter on Earth and in space
VE Fortov - Physics-Uspekhi, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
This review is concerned with the results of studies into the behavior of substances at
ultimately high pressures and temperatures obtainable by way of kinetic or electromagnetic …
ultimately high pressures and temperatures obtainable by way of kinetic or electromagnetic …
Future for inertial-fusion energy in Europe: a roadmap
The recent achievement of fusion ignition with laser-driven technologies at the National
Ignition Facility sets a historic accomplishment in fusion energy research. This …
Ignition Facility sets a historic accomplishment in fusion energy research. This …
Self-generated surface magnetic fields inhibit laser-driven sheath acceleration of high-energy protons
High-intensity lasers interacting with solid foils produce copious numbers of relativistic
electrons, which in turn create strong sheath electric fields around the target. The proton …
electrons, which in turn create strong sheath electric fields around the target. The proton …