Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS): recent updates

SL Hiser, A Fatima, M Ali, DM Needham - Journal of intensive care, 2023 - Springer
An increasing number of patients are surviving critical illness, but some experience new or
worsening long-lasting impairments in physical, cognitive and/or mental health, commonly …

Biomarkers of sepsis: time for a reappraisal

C Pierrakos, D Velissaris, M Bisdorff, JC Marshall… - Critical Care, 2020 - Springer
Introduction Sepsis biomarkers can have important diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic
functions. In a previous review, we identified 3370 references reporting on 178 different …

Long-term outcomes after critical illness: recent insights

AF Rousseau, HC Prescott, SJ Brett, B Weiss… - Critical Care, 2021 - Springer
Intensive care survivors often experience post-intensive care sequelae, which are frequently
gathered together under the term “post-intensive care syndrome”(PICS). The consequences …

Nutrition therapy and critical illness: practical guidance for the ICU, post-ICU, and long-term convalescence phases

ARH van Zanten, E De Waele, PE Wischmeyer - Critical Care, 2019 - Springer
Background Although mortality due to critical illness has fallen over decades, the number of
patients with long-term functional disabilities has increased, leading to impaired quality of …

A guide to enteral nutrition in intensive care units: 10 expert tips for the daily practice

JC Preiser, YM Arabi, MM Berger, M Casaer… - Critical Care, 2021 - Springer
The preferential use of the oral/enteral route in critically ill patients over gut rest is uniformly
recommended and applied. This article provides practical guidance on enteral nutrition in …

New physical, mental, and cognitive problems 1 year after ICU admission: a prospective multicenter study

WW Geense, M Zegers, MAA Peters… - American journal of …, 2021 -
Rationale: Comprehensive studies addressing the incidence of physical, mental, and
cognitive problems after ICU admission are lacking. With an increasing number of ICU …

[PDF][PDF] ICU delirium—a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in the intensive care unit

K Kotfis, A Marra, EW Ely - Anaesthesiology intensive therapy, 2018 -
ICU delirium is a common medical problem occurring in patients admitted to the intensive
care units (ICUs). Studies have shown that ICU delirium is associated with increased …

The role of nutrition rehabilitation in the recovery of survivors of critical illness: underrecognized and underappreciated

LL Moisey, JL Merriweather, JW Drover - Critical Care, 2022 - Springer
Many survivors of critical illness face significant physical and psychological disability
following discharge from the intensive care unit (ICU). They are often malnourished, a …

Fatigue symptoms during the first year following ARDS

KJ Neufeld, JMS Leoutsakos, H Yan, S Lin, JS Zabinski… - Chest, 2020 - Elsevier
Background Fatigue is commonly reported by ARDS survivors, but empirical data are
scarce. Research Question This study evaluated fatigue prevalence and associated …

[HTML][HTML] Humanización de los cuidados intensivos

V Rojas - Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes, 2019 - Elsevier
Resumen Las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) han hecho un trabajo excepcional
desde que se crearon, proporcionando esperanza y oportunidad a quienes morían …