[HTML][HTML] Impact of industry 4.0 technologies on the oil palm industry: A literature review
This study presents a review of the impacts of Industrial Revolution 4 (IR4) technologies on
the oil palm industry, focusing on their applications in enhancing productivity, sustainability …
the oil palm industry, focusing on their applications in enhancing productivity, sustainability …
[PDF][PDF] Declined peat heterotrophic respiration as consequences from zeolite amendment simulation: coupling descriptive and predictive modelling approaches.
Nowadays, halting greenhouse gasses (GHG) emission is the world's major concern to
mitigate global climate change. In oil palm cultivated tropical peatland, GHG emission is …
mitigate global climate change. In oil palm cultivated tropical peatland, GHG emission is …
[PDF][PDF] Factors regulating lignocellulolytic microbes, their degrading enzymes, and heterotrophic respiration in oil palm cultivated peatlands.
Even though their role in mediating tropical peat decomposition and GHG emissions had
been widely recognized, information concerning lignocellulolytic microbes, their degrading …
been widely recognized, information concerning lignocellulolytic microbes, their degrading …