[HTML][HTML] Diffusion-controlled reactions: an overview

DS Grebenkov - Molecules, 2023 - mdpi.com
We review the milestones in the century-long development of the theory of diffusion-
controlled reactions. Starting from the seminal work by von Smoluchowski, who recognized …

Extracting, quantifying, and comparing dynamical and biomechanical properties of living matter through single particle tracking

S Scott, M Weiss, C Selhuber-Unkel… - Physical Chemistry …, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
A panoply of new tools for tracking single particles and molecules has led to an explosion of
experimental data, leading to novel insights into physical properties of living matter …

Paradigm shift in diffusion-mediated surface phenomena

DS Grebenkov - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
Diffusion-mediated surface phenomena are crucial for human life and industry, with
examples ranging from oxygen capture by lung alveolar surface to heterogeneous catalysis …

Diffusion-limited reactions in dynamic heterogeneous media

Y Lanoiselée, N Moutal, DS Grebenkov - Nature communications, 2018 - nature.com
Most biochemical reactions in living cells rely on diffusive search for target molecules or
regions in a heterogeneous overcrowded cytoplasmic medium. Rapid rearrangements of the …

Strong defocusing of molecular reaction times results from an interplay of geometry and reaction control

DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin - Communications Chemistry, 2018 - nature.com
Textbook concepts of diffusion-versus kinetic-control are well-defined for reaction-kinetics
involving macroscopic concentrations of diffusive reactants that are adequately described by …

An encounter-based approach for restricted diffusion with a gradient drift

DS Grebenkov - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
We develop an encounter-based approach for describing restricted diffusion with a gradient
drift toward a partially reactive boundary. For this purpose, we introduce an extension of the …

From single-particle stochastic kinetics to macroscopic reaction rates: fastest first-passage time of N random walkers

DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin - New Journal of Physics, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider the first-passage problem for N identical independent particles that are initially
released uniformly in a finite domain Ω and then diffuse toward a reactive area Γ, which can …

Full distribution of first exit times in the narrow escape problem

DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin - New Journal of Physics, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
In the scenario of the narrow escape problem (NEP) a particle diffuses in a finite container
and eventually leaves it through a small'escape window'in the otherwise impermeable …

Depletion of resources by a population of diffusing species

DS Grebenkov - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
Depletion of natural and artificial resources is a fundamental problem and a potential cause
of economic crises, ecological catastrophes, and death of living organisms. Understanding …

Redundancy principle and the role of extreme statistics in molecular and cellular biology

Z Schuss, K Basnayake, D Holcman - Physics of life reviews, 2019 - Elsevier
The paradigm of chemical activation rates in cellular biology has been shifted from the mean
arrival time of a single particle to the mean of the first among many particles to arrive at a …