An overview of interrater agreement on Likert scales for researchers and practitioners
TA O'Neill - Frontiers in psychology, 2017 -
Applications of interrater agreement (IRA) statistics for Likert scales are plentiful in research
and practice. IRA may be implicated in job analysis, performance appraisal, panel …
and practice. IRA may be implicated in job analysis, performance appraisal, panel …
Comparing domain-and facet-level relations of the HEXACO personality model with workplace deviance: A meta-analysis
Personality research suggests that the prediction of organizational behavior can be
improved by examining the criterion-related validity of narrow personality facets. In the …
improved by examining the criterion-related validity of narrow personality facets. In the …
On the comparability of basic personality models: Meta-analytic correspondence, scope, and orthogonality of the Big Five and HEXACO dimensions
Models of basic personality structure are among the most widely used frameworks in
psychology and beyond, and they have considerably advanced the understanding of …
psychology and beyond, and they have considerably advanced the understanding of …
Prediction of cyberslacking when employees are working away from the office
TA O'Neill, LA Hambley, A Bercovich - Computers in Human Behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
The landscape of counterproductive workplace behavior is changing with the rapid
integration of advanced communication technologies in the modern workforce. Specifically …
integration of advanced communication technologies in the modern workforce. Specifically …
The importance of being humble: A meta-analysis and incremental validity analysis of the relationship between honesty-humility and job performance.
The HEXACO model presents a conceptualization of personality that includes the trait
honesty-humility (HH) in addition to 5 other personality traits (ie, agreeableness …
honesty-humility (HH) in addition to 5 other personality traits (ie, agreeableness …
When proactive employees meet the autonomy of work—A moderated mediation model based on agency theory and job characteristics theory
Abstract Building on Agency Theory and Job Characteristics Theory, this study examines
how the autonomy of work interacts with individual proactivity and jointly enhances hotel …
how the autonomy of work interacts with individual proactivity and jointly enhances hotel …
“I (might be) just that good”: Honest and deceptive impression management in employment interviews
Applicant use of impression management (IM) tactics plays a central role in employment
interviews. IM includes behaviors intended to create an impression of competence and …
interviews. IM includes behaviors intended to create an impression of competence and …
The relationship of big five personality traits on counterproductive work behaviour among hotel employees: An exploratory study
This study investigated the influence of Big Five personality traits towards counterproductive
work behaviour (CWB), specifically focuses on organizational (CWB-O) and individual (CWB …
work behaviour (CWB), specifically focuses on organizational (CWB-O) and individual (CWB …
Does personality affect the individual's perceptions of organizational justice? The mediating role of organizational politics
Purpose The personality of an individual plays a vital role in the way an individual perceives
organizational politics and justice in the workplace. However, there is meager research on …
organizational politics and justice in the workplace. However, there is meager research on …
Supervisor's HEXACO personality traits and subordinate perceptions of abusive supervision
Abusive supervision is detrimental to both subordinates and organizations. Knowledge
about individual differences in personality related to abusive supervision may improve …
about individual differences in personality related to abusive supervision may improve …