Co-creation of tourist experiences: A literature review
This paper reviews the literature concerning co-creation of tourism experiences. It analyses
the theoretical underpinnings of co-creation and discusses key dimensions of the concept …
the theoretical underpinnings of co-creation and discusses key dimensions of the concept …
Customer loyalty: a review and future directions with a special focus on the hospitality industry
Purpose This article aims to provide a summary review of what is already known about
customer loyalty and identifies some emerging issues that play an important role in it. As a …
customer loyalty and identifies some emerging issues that play an important role in it. As a …
[HTML][HTML] Customer-to-customer co-creation practices in tourism: Lessons from customer-dominant logic
This study aims to explore specific customer-to-customer (C2C) co-creation practices and
related value outcomes in tourism. The importance of C2C co-creation is first discussed in …
related value outcomes in tourism. The importance of C2C co-creation is first discussed in …
The role of co-creation experience in forming tourists' revisit intention to home-based accommodation: Extending the theory of planned behavior
B Meng, M Cui - Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020 - Elsevier
This study aims to provide a theoretical framework explaining how tourists' revisit intentions
to home-based accommodations are formed. It does so by inserting constructs related to co …
to home-based accommodations are formed. It does so by inserting constructs related to co …
Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications
K Heinonen, T Strandvik - Journal of Services Marketing, 2015 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical and practical implications of
adopting customer-dominant logic (CDL) of service, focusing on how firms can become …
adopting customer-dominant logic (CDL) of service, focusing on how firms can become …
Conceptualising customer‐to‐customer value co‐creation in tourism
The notion that tourists actively co‐create value with organisations is increasingly
acknowledged in tourism marketing. Yet, not much is known about the processes in play …
acknowledged in tourism marketing. Yet, not much is known about the processes in play …
Experience value cocreation on destination online platforms
Technology is critical for facilitating the experience value cocreation process in tourism.
Online platforms in particular enable consumers to develop realistic expectations and to …
Online platforms in particular enable consumers to develop realistic expectations and to …
Co-experience, co-production and co-governance: an ecosystem approach to the analysis of value creation
K Strokosch, SP Osborne - Policy & Politics, 2020 -
This conceptual article explores the interplay between the participation of service users and
third sector organisations and the related implications for value creation. It draws on public …
third sector organisations and the related implications for value creation. It draws on public …
Co-creation experiences: Attention and memorability
This study examines the on-site co-creation experience from a tourist perspective. A review
of the literature and in-depth interviews with tourists who participated in a 'swimming with …
of the literature and in-depth interviews with tourists who participated in a 'swimming with …
Customer-to-customer value co-creation and co-destruction in sporting events
Previous scholars have examined value co-creation and co-destruction processes that take
place between customers and service organizations or employees. Despite most service …
place between customers and service organizations or employees. Despite most service …