Identifying core components and indicators of successful transitions from child to adult mental health services: a sco** review

K Cleverley, E Rowland, K Bennett, L Jeffs… - European Child & …, 2020 - Springer
The aim of this sco** review was to identify the core components of interventions that
facilitate successful transition from child and adolescent mental health services to adult …

Current insights of community mental healthcare for people with severe mental illness: A sco** review

C van Genk, D Roeg, M van Vugt… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Background For the last four decades, there has been a shift in mental healthcare toward
more rehabilitation and following a more humanistic and comprehensive vision on recovery …

Pathways to retention: Job satisfaction, burnout, & organizational commitment among social workers

AR Brown, JE Walters, AE Jones - Journal of Evidence-Based …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose: Job satisfaction, burnout, and organizational commitment remain concerns for
human service organizations. Few studies have utilized a large sample of social workers to …

Leadership as boundary work in healthcare teams

S Chreim, A Langley, M Comeau-Vallée, JL Huq… - …, 2013 -
This paper proposes that boundary work is inherent to leadership practices in healthcare
settings, and explores this phenomenon in interprofessional healthcare teams. Specifically …

Understanding new models of integrated care in developed countries: a systematic review

SK Baxter, M Johnson, D Chambers… - Health Services and …, 2018 -
Background The NHS has been challenged to adopt new integrated models of service
delivery that are tailored to local populations. Evidence from the international literature is …

Healthcare system performance in continuity of care for patients with severe mental illness: A comparison of five European countries

P Nicaise, D Giacco, B Soltmann, A Pfennig, E Miglietta… - Health Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
Most healthcare systems struggle to provide continuity of care for people with chronic
conditions, such as patients with severe mental illness. In this study, we reviewed how …

The impact of family doctor system on patients' utilisation of general practitioner in primary care facilities—Evidence from Hangzhou, China

Y Yu, A Ye, C Chen, W Dai, X Liu - The International Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Objective This study aims to examine whether participating in the contracted family doctor
system increases patients' utilisation of primary care general practitioner for multiple disease …

Service integration across sectors in Europe: Literature and practice

S Van Duijn, N Zonneveld, AL Montero… - … of Integrated Care, 2018 -
Introduction: To meet the needs of vulnerable people, the integration of services across
different sectors is important. This paper presents a preliminary review of service integration …

A mixed-method study on the bright side of organizational change: role clarity and supervisor support as resources for employees' resilience

C Bernuzzi, V Sommovigo, M Maffoni… - Journal of Change …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
This mixed-method study aims to analyze how and when employees' perceptions of positive
organizational change may be related to role clarity and resilience and conditional on …

'Talking a different language': an exploration of the influence of organizational cultures and working practices on transition from child to adult mental health services

S McLaren, R Belling, M Paul, T Ford, T Kramer… - BMC health services …, 2013 - Springer
Background Organizational culture is manifest in patterns of behaviour underpinned by
beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions, which can influence working practices. Cultural …