Continuous application of organic amendments enhances soil health, produce quality and system productivity of vegetable-based crop** systems in subtropical …
The hill ecosystem of Northeastern Himalayas is suitable for organic farming due to
negligible use of fertilizer (< 12 kg ha− 1) and agrochemicals, abundance of organic …
negligible use of fertilizer (< 12 kg ha− 1) and agrochemicals, abundance of organic …
[PDF][PDF] Status of organic farming and research experiences in rice
K Surekha, V Jhansilakshmi, N Somasekhar, PC Latha… - Europe, 2010 - researchgate.net
India has tremendous potential to become a major exporter of organic rice in the
international market. During 2008-09, around 5630 MT of organic basmati rice was exported …
international market. During 2008-09, around 5630 MT of organic basmati rice was exported …
Kajian Keberlanjutan Pelaksanaan Pertanian Padi SRI Organik
Kinerja pengembangan padi dengan metode SRI organik di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya
menunjukkan kecenderungan penurunan. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut …
menunjukkan kecenderungan penurunan. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut …
Sri Rice Organic Farmers' Dilemma: Between Economic Aspects And Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Farming is the future agriculture to achieve sustainable agriculture which considers
social, economic and environmental aspects. Nowadays, the performance of its …
social, economic and environmental aspects. Nowadays, the performance of its …
Grain yield, yield components, soil fertility, and biological activity under organic and conventional rice production systems
K Surekha, PC Latha, KV Rao… - Communications in Soil …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
A field experiment was conducted for 2 years on a clayey Vertisol to compare the organic
and conventional methods of rice farming. Two main plot treatments were with and without …
and conventional methods of rice farming. Two main plot treatments were with and without …
Organic rice farming: opportunities for quality seed production and soil health improvement.
K Surekha, RM Kumar, BC Virahtamath - 2015 - cabidigitallibrary.org
High quality seed is the basic requirement for successful crop production and this holds
good for organic farming. Rice is the most important food crop and the demand for organic …
good for organic farming. Rice is the most important food crop and the demand for organic …
[PDF][PDF] 4. Eastern Himalayan Region: North East States of India
In view of growing demand for organic food products world-wide including India, the North-
East region of India has vast potential to emerge as major suppliers of organic products. By …
East region of India has vast potential to emerge as major suppliers of organic products. By …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of soil and crop management practices on sodicity stress alleviation and rice productivity under water scarce condition.
The prominent issue faced by the farmers of Cauvery Delta regionin Tamil Nadu particularly
Tiruchirapalli District is the lack of timely release of water for rice nursery preparation and …
Tiruchirapalli District is the lack of timely release of water for rice nursery preparation and …
[PDF][PDF] Why do farmers keep holding on organic rice crop production?
The success of implementable policy-making to promote organic rice should base on
understanding toward factors influencing farmer decision to choose organic rice crop …
understanding toward factors influencing farmer decision to choose organic rice crop …
[PDF][PDF] Nutritional and grain characteristics of basmati genotypes from organic and conventional cultivation systems
BVS Avinash - 2021 - krishikosh.egranth.ac.in
The present study was carried out with the aim of studying the variation in nutritional and
grain quality characteristics of basmati rice genotypes obtained from organic and …
grain quality characteristics of basmati rice genotypes obtained from organic and …