Living in a toxic world

AM Nading - Annual Review of Anthropology, 2020‏ -
While the proliferation of industrial toxic substances over the past century has had drastic
environmental and bodily effects, conventional methods of measuring and mitigating those …

[کتاب][B] Pollution is colonialism

M Liboiron - 2021‏ -
In Pollution Is Colonialism Max Liboiron presents a framework for understanding scientific
research methods as practices that can align with or against colonialism. They point out that …

Slow violence and toxic geographies:'Out of sight'to whom?

T Davies - Environment and Planning C: Politics and space, 2022‏ -
Toxic pollution is a form of violence. This article explores the gradual brutalities that
communities surrounded by petrochemical infrastructure endure over time. Contributing to …

[کتاب][B] Discard studies: Wasting, systems, and power

M Liboiron, J Lepawsky - 2022‏ -
An argument that social, political, and economic systems maintain power by discarding
certain people, places, and things. Discard studies is an emerging field that looks at waste …

Toxic politics: Acting in a permanently polluted world

M Liboiron, M Tironi, N Calvillo - Social studies of science, 2018‏ -
Toxicity has become a ubiquitous, if uneven, condition. Toxicity can allow us to focus on how
forms of life and their constituent relations, from the scale of cells to that of ways of life, are …

Encountering Berlant part two: Cruel and other optimisms

B Anderson, A Awal, D Cockayne… - The Geographical …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Part 2 of Encountering Berlant amplifies the promise of Lauren Berlant's influential
concept of 'cruel optimism'. Cruel optimism names a double‐bind in which attachment to an …

When citizen science is public relations

S Blacker, AH Kimura, A Kinchy - Social studies of science, 2021‏ -
Amid rising interest in participatory research, some industries have recently begun to
practice public relations citizen science (PRCS). Unlike citizen science and crowdsourcing …

Civilian science: the potential of participatory environmental monitoring in areas affected by armed conflicts

D Weir, D McQuillan, RA Francis - Environmental Monitoring and …, 2019‏ - Springer
Legal and policy initiatives to address the environmental dimensions of armed conflicts and
their impact on people, ecosystems and sustainable development are highly dependent on …

Matter out of place

M Liboiron - The Routledge handbook of waste studies, 2021‏ -
Describing and analyzing waste as “matter out of place” is a reoccurring trope in waste
studies. The phrase was popularized by British anthropologist Mary Douglas' book, Purity …

Tasting toxicity: Bodies, perplexity, and the fraught witnessing of environmental risk in Sri Lanka's dry zone

N Senanayake - Gender, Place & Culture, 2020‏ - Taylor & Francis
Abstract In Sri Lanka's dry zone, a mysterious form of chronic kidney disease has inspired
myriad interventions to improve rural health. Chief among these are strategies to promote …