Reorganization of Asian climate in relation to Tibetan Plateau uplift
Reorganization of the Asian climate from one dominated by global planetary wind systems
to a regional monsoon climate is closely related to the surface uplift of the Tibetan Plateau …
to a regional monsoon climate is closely related to the surface uplift of the Tibetan Plateau …
Earthquake‐induced chains of geologic hazards: Patterns, mechanisms, and impacts
Large earthquakes initiate chains of surface processes that last much longer than the brief
moments of strong shaking. Most moderate‐and large‐magnitude earthquakes trigger …
moments of strong shaking. Most moderate‐and large‐magnitude earthquakes trigger …
Ancient orogenic and monsoon-driven assembly of the world's richest temperate alpine flora
Origins of an alpine flora The evolution of high mountain floras is strongly influenced by
tectonic and climatic history. Ding et al. document the timing, tempo, and mode by which the …
tectonic and climatic history. Ding et al. document the timing, tempo, and mode by which the …
Pulsed rise and growth of the Tibetan Plateau to its northern margin since ca. 30 Ma
The onset of mountain building along margins of the Tibetan Plateau provides a key
constraint on the processes by which the high topography in Eurasia formed. Although …
constraint on the processes by which the high topography in Eurasia formed. Although …
Uplift-driven diversification in the Hengduan Mountains, a temperate biodiversity hotspot
A common hypothesis for the rich biodiversity found in mountains is uplift-driven
diversification—that orogeny creates conditions favoring rapid in situ speciation of resident …
diversification—that orogeny creates conditions favoring rapid in situ speciation of resident …
[PDF][PDF] Why 'the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau'is a myth
The often-used phrase 'the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau'implies a flat-surfaced Tibet rose as a
coherent entity, and that uplift was driven entirely by the collision and northward movement …
coherent entity, and that uplift was driven entirely by the collision and northward movement …
Species divergence with gene flow and hybrid speciation on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
Summary The Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) sensu lato (sl), comprising the platform, the
Himalaya and the Hengduan Mountains, is characterized by a large number of endemic …
Himalaya and the Hengduan Mountains, is characterized by a large number of endemic …
Cross Orogenic Belts in Central China: Implications for the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the East Asian continental collage
Abstract The East Asian continent records a complex geologic and tectonic history that
involved the amalgamation of several small-to medium-sized blocks from Laurasia or …
involved the amalgamation of several small-to medium-sized blocks from Laurasia or …
Outward-growth of the Tibetan Plateau during the Cenozoic: A review
The surface uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) offers a key testing ground for
evaluating models of collisional tectonics and holds important implications for processes …
evaluating models of collisional tectonics and holds important implications for processes …
Eastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau by crustal flow and strain partitioning across faults
The lateral expansion of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau causes devastating earthquakes,
but is poorly understood. In particular, the links between regional variations in surface …
but is poorly understood. In particular, the links between regional variations in surface …