Self-healing polymers for electronics and energy devices
Polymers are extensively exploited as active materials in a variety of electronics and energy
devices because of their tailorable electrical properties, mechanical flexibility, facile …
devices because of their tailorable electrical properties, mechanical flexibility, facile …
Toward stimuli‐responsive dynamic thermosets through continuous development and improvements in covalent adaptable networks (CANs)
Covalent adaptable networks (CANs), unlike typical thermosets or other covalently
crosslinked networks, possess a unique, often dormant ability to activate one or more forms …
crosslinked networks, possess a unique, often dormant ability to activate one or more forms …
Advanced materials with special wettability toward intelligent oily wastewater remediation
Clean water resources are essential to our human society. Oil leakage has caused water
contamination, which leads to serious shortage of clean water, environmental deterioration …
contamination, which leads to serious shortage of clean water, environmental deterioration …
Mechano-responsive hydrogen-bonding array of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer captures both strength and self-healing
Self-repairable materials strive to emulate curable and resilient biological tissue; however,
their performance is currently insufficient for commercialization purposes because mending …
their performance is currently insufficient for commercialization purposes because mending …
Superior toughness and fast self‐healing at room temperature engineered by transparent elastomers
The most important properties of self‐healing polymers are efficient recovery at room
temperature and prolonged durability. However, these two characteristics are contradictory …
temperature and prolonged durability. However, these two characteristics are contradictory …
Shape memory polymers: Past, present and future developments
Shape memory polymers (SMPs) represent a highly interesting class of materials. As one
representative of the intelligent polymeric systems, these materials gained significant …
representative of the intelligent polymeric systems, these materials gained significant …
Advanced materials for use in soft self‐healing devices
Devices integrated with self‐healing ability can benefit from long‐term use as well as
enhanced reliability, maintenance and durability. This progress report reviews the …
enhanced reliability, maintenance and durability. This progress report reviews the …
Self-healing polymeric materials based on microencapsulated healing agents: From design to preparation
DY Zhu, MZ Rong, MQ Zhang - Progress in polymer science, 2015 - Elsevier
Inspired by naturally occurring species that allow for self-healing of nonfatal harm, self-
healing polymeric materials have been prepared and represent a component of the …
healing polymeric materials have been prepared and represent a component of the …
DYNAMERS: dynamic polymers as self-healing materials
N Roy, B Bruchmann, JM Lehn - Chemical Society Reviews, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
Importing self-repair or self-healing features into inert materials is of great relevance to
material scientists, since it is expected to eliminate the necessity of replenishing a damaged …
material scientists, since it is expected to eliminate the necessity of replenishing a damaged …
Catalyst-free room-temperature self-healing elastomers based on aromatic disulfide metathesis
A Rekondo, R Martin, AR de Luzuriaga… - Materials …, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
Aromatic disulfide metathesis has been reported as one of the very few dynamic covalent
chemistries undergone at room-temperature. Here, bis (4-aminophenyl) disulfide is …
chemistries undergone at room-temperature. Here, bis (4-aminophenyl) disulfide is …