Online gambling: A systematic review of risk and protective factors in the adult population

M Ghelfi, P Scattola, G Giudici, V Velasco - Journal of gambling studies, 2024 - Springer
In recent decades, internet gambling has seen strong growth and diffusion due to intrinsic
characteristics that make it particularly attractive to players (accessibility, anonymity, variety …

The structural characteristics of online sports betting: a sco** review of current product features and utility patents as indicators of potential future developments

J Torrance, M O'Hanrahan, J Carroll… - Addiction Research & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract 'Structural characteristics' are gambling product design features which contribute to
the amount of time or money that gamblers spend using them, such as the short pay-out …

Conceptualization and validation of the TILT questionnaire: relationship with IGD and life satisfaction

I Bonilla, A Chamarro, P Birch, BT Sharpe… - Frontiers in …, 2024 -
Currently, the study of esports is growing within the field of psychology. Among the different
variables attracting interest—including stress or psychological factors associated with …

Illusion of control and problem gambling among Chinese lottery gamblers

Y Hu, D Zhao - International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2024 - Springer
Although previous researchers have explored the association between illusion of control
and problem gambling, the mediating mechanism is not clear, particularly for Chinese lottery …

Hexed by Pressure: How Action-State Orientation Explains Propensity to Choke in Super Hexagon

C Johanson, S Poeller, M Klarkowski… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2024 -
Many videogames require players to perform under pressure; however, not all players
respond equivalently to pressure: why are some players more likely to tilt (lose control …

Conceptualising emotional and cognitive dysregulation amongst sports bettors; an exploratory study of 'tilting'in a new context

J Torrance, G Roderique-Davies, J Greville… - Plos one, 2022 -
Tilting is a poker-related phenomenon that involves cognitive and emotional dysregulation
in response to unfavourable gambling outcomes. Tilting is characterised by an increase in …

What are experienced poker gamblers saying about gambling? An exploratory qualitative study

S Mathieu, I Varescon - International Gambling Studies, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Poker is a game of chance and strategy in which the situations that arise and the outcome
can cause gamblers to experience intense emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant, which …

El consumo de loot boxes como una nueva forma de azar en los videojuegos

FJ Sanmartín, J Velasco, F Cuadrado, M Gálvez-Lara… - Adicciones, 2023 -
Las loot boxes son cajas dentro de los videojuegos que los usuarios pagan por abrir y
obtener, al azar, un objeto cuyo valor inicialmente desconocen. Tanto la población …

[PDF][PDF] Erroneous Beliefs Verbalized While Playing Online Poker.

P Brochu, I Giroux, J Dufour… - Journal of Gambling …, 2022 -
The objective of this study was to compare erroneous beliefs of online Texas Hold'em poker
players with different level of severity of problems, in situations that could cause negative …

Tilt: conceptualización y medida en jugadores de esports

I Bonilla - 2024 -
Sens dubte, els esports estan vivint una constant evolució i desenvolupament dins de
l'ecosistema socioeconòmic. En els darrers anys s' ha desenvolupat tota una xarxa de …