Image scanning microscopy

I Gregor, J Enderlein - Current opinion in chemical biology, 2019 - Elsevier
Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM) has emerged as a successful and robust technique which
nearly doubles the spatial resolution of a confocal microscope by simple means. Meanwhile …

[HTML][HTML] The development of microscopy for super-resolution: confocal microscopy, and image scanning microscopy

CJR Sheppard - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
Optical methods of super-resolution microscopy, such as confocal microscopy, structured
illumination, nonlinear microscopy, and image scanning microscopy are reviewed. These …

Two-photon image-scanning microscopy with SPAD array and blind image reconstruction

SV Koho, E Slenders, G Tortarolo… - Biomedical Optics …, 2020 -
Two-photon excitation (2PE) laser scanning microscopy is the imaging modality of choice
when one desires to work with thick biological samples. However, its spatial resolution is …

SOFISM: Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy

A Sroda, A Makowski, R Tenne, U Rossman, G Lubin… - Optica, 2020 -
Super-resolution optical microscopy is a rapidly evolving scientific field dedicated to imaging
sub-wavelength-sized objects, leaving its mark in multiple branches of biology and …

Structured illumination microscopy and image scanning microscopy: a review and comparison of imaging properties

CJR Sheppard - … Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2021 -
Structured illumination microscopy and image scanning microscopy are two microscopical
tech-niques, rapidly increasing in practical application, that can result in improvement in …

Pendulum-type light beams

J Jia, H Lin, Y Liao, Z Li, Z Chen, S Fu - Optica, 2023 -
Nondiffracting and shape-preserving light beams have been extensively studied and were
shown to exhibit intriguing wave phenomena, which led to applications including particle …

Image scanning microscopy with multiphoton excitation or Bessel beam illumination

CJR Sheppard, M Castello, G Tortarolo… - Journal of the Optical …, 2020 -
Image scanning microscopy is a technique of confocal microscopy in which the confocal
pinhole is replaced by a detector array, and the image is reconstructed most …

Point-spread-function engineering in MINFLUX: optimality of donut and half-moon excitation patterns

Y Liu, J Dong, J Augusto Maya, F Balzarotti, M Unser - Optics letters, 2024 -
Localization microscopy enables imaging with resolutions that surpass the conventional
optical diffraction limit. Notably, the Maximally INFormative LUminescence eXcitation …

cSPARCOM: Multi-detector reconstruction by confocal super-resolution correlation microscopy

U Rossman, T Dadosh, YC Eldar, D Oron - Optics express, 2021 -
Image scanning microscopy (ISM), an upgraded successor of the ubiquitous confocal
microscope, facilitates up to two-fold improvement in lateral resolution, and has become an …

Hybrid multifocal structured illumination microscopy with enhanced lateral resolution and axial localization capability

Z Wang, Y Cai, J Qian, T Zhao, Y Liang… - Biomedical Optics …, 2020 -
Super-resolution (SR) fluorescence microscopy that breaks through the diffraction barrier
has drawn great interest in biomedical research. However, obtaining a high precision three …