Physics-informed machine learning: A survey on problems, methods and applications

Z Hao, S Liu, Y Zhang, C Ying, Y Feng, H Su… - ar** with impact-aware landing: Exploiting parallel elasticity
J Ding, V Atanassov, E Panichi, J Kober… - IEEE Transactions …, 2024‏ -
Introducing parallel elasticity in the hardware design endows quadrupedal robots with the
ability to perform explosive and efficient motions. However, for this kind of articulated soft …

Observer-based model-free controller for the perturbations estimation and attenuation in robotic plants

J de Jesús Rubio, MA Hernandez, E Orozco… - Robotics and …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The model-free controller is a powerful method because it does not require the knowledge of
the robotic plant dynamic equation. Since most of the model-free controllers consider …

A survey on legged robots: Advances, technologies and applications

Z Wu, K Zheng, Z Ding, H Gao - Engineering Applications of Artificial …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Legged robots have come to represent a prime example of artificial intelligence's application
in engineering, thanks to their enhanced mobility and adaptability across complex terrains …

Optimal design of robotic character kinematics

G Maloisel, C Schumacher, E Knoop… - ACM Transactions on …, 2023‏ -
The kinematic motion of a robotic character is defined by its mechanical joints and actuators
that restrict the relative motion of its rigid components. Designing robots that perform a given …

Robust jum** with an articulated soft quadruped via trajectory optimization and iterative learning

J Ding, MA van Löben Sels, F Angelini… - IEEE Robotics and …, 2023‏ -
Quadrupeds deployed in real-world scenarios need to be robust to unmodelled dynamic
effects. In this work, we aim to increase the robustness of quadrupedal periodic forward …

Engineering Compliance in Legged Robots Via Robust Co-Design

G Bravo-Palacios, H Li… - IEEE/ASME Transactions …, 2024‏ -
This article presents a design framework for the scalable co-design of hardware and control
as applied to improving the energy efficiency of legged robots with parallel compliance. The …

Two-stage learning of highly dynamic motions with rigid and articulated soft quadrupeds

F Vezzi, J Ding, A Raffin, J Kober… - … on Robotics and …, 2024‏ -
Controlled execution of dynamic motions in quadrupedal robots, especially those with
articulated soft bodies, presents a unique set of challenges that traditional methods struggle …

Learning to exploit elastic actuators for quadruped locomotion

A Raffin, D Seidel, J Kober, A Albu-Schäffer… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022‏ -
Spring-based actuators in legged locomotion provide energy-efficiency and improved
performance, but increase the difficulty of controller design. While previous work has …