Agricultural wetlands and waterbirds: a review

HA Czech, KC Parsons - Waterbirds, 2002 - JSTOR
Waterbird use of agricultural wetlands has increased as natural wetlands continue to decline
worldwide. Little information exists on waterbird use of wetland crops such as taro, hasu …

The value of rice fields as substitutes for natural wetlands for waterbirds in the Mediterranean region

M Fasola, X Ruiz - Colonial waterbirds, 1996 - JSTOR
The natural wetlands of the Mediterranean have been reduced to 10-20% of their original
area over the past few centuries. However, the rice fields that have supplanted them in some …

Ecology of wading birds

H Hafner - Colonial Waterbirds, 1997 - JSTOR
Wading birds are dependent on wetlands that are under increasing pressure worldwide.
Distributed throughout almost all wetlands, these birds have been the subject of many …

Long-term trends of heron and egret populations in Italy, and the effects of climate, human-induced mortality, and habitat on population dynamics

M Fasola, D Rubolini, E Merli, E Boncompagni… - Population …, 2010 - Springer
Factors affecting bird population dynamics include climate, harvesting by humans, and
habitat changes. Here, we describe the long-term (1972–2006) population trends of seven …

Heavy metal, organochlorine pesticide, and PCB residues in eggs and feathers of herons breeding in northern Italy

M Fasola, PA Movalli, C Gandini - Archives of Environmental …, 1998 - Springer
We report on organochlorine pesticide and PCB concentrations in eggs of the little egret,
Egretta garzetta, and the black-crowned night-heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, collected in …

[HTML][HTML] Changes in rice cultivation affect population trends of herons and egrets in Italy

M Fasola, E Cardarelli, L Ranghetti… - Global Ecology and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The breeding populations of colonial herons, egrets and allied waterbirds in Northwestern
Italy increased since 1972, when a long-term monitoring was initiated, up to the end of the …

Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields

S King, CS Elphick, D Guadagnin, O Taft, T Amano - Waterbirds, 2010 - BioOne
Literature is reviewed to determine the effects of landscape features on waterbird use of
fields in regions where rice (Oryza sativa) is grown. Rice-growing landscapes often consist …

Landscape influence on the quality of heron and egret colony sites

JP Kelly, D Stralberg, K Etienne, M McCaustland - Wetlands, 2008 - Springer
We evaluated landscape associations related to heron and egret colony site selection and
the productivity of successful great blue heron (Ardea herodias) and great egret (Ardea alba) …

Ciconiiformes nesting on trees in cereal-dominated farmlands: importance of scattered trees for heronries in lowland Nepal

R Koju, B Maharjan, KR Gosai, S Kittur, KSG Sundar - Waterbirds, 2019 - BioOne
Cereal farming is on the increase globally, and trees on these agricultural landscapes are
selectively removed by farmers. Waterbird populations, supported on many cereal …

Rice fields and waterbirds in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East

V Longoni - Waterbirds, 2010 - BioOne
In southern Europe, rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important agricultural crops.
Relationships between rice fields and bird occurrence are well studied for some taxa while …