Influences of feedstock sources and pyrolysis temperature on the properties of biochar and functionality as adsorbents: A meta-analysis
Biochar is a porous, amorphous, stable, and low-density carbon material derived from the
carbonization of various biological residues. Biochars have multifunctional properties that …
carbonization of various biological residues. Biochars have multifunctional properties that …
Insight into multiple and multilevel structures of biochars and their potential environmental applications: a critical review
X **ao, B Chen, Z Chen, L Zhu… - Environmental science & …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Biochar is the carbon-rich product of the pyrolysis of biomass under oxygen-limited
conditions, and it has received increasing attention due to its multiple functions in the fields …
conditions, and it has received increasing attention due to its multiple functions in the fields …
Biochar-supported nZVI (nZVI/BC) for contaminant removal from soil and water: a critical review
The promising characteristics of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) have not been fully
exploited owing to intrinsic limitations. Carbon-enriched biochar (BC) has been widely used …
exploited owing to intrinsic limitations. Carbon-enriched biochar (BC) has been widely used …
Mechanisms of metal sorption by biochars: Biochar characteristics and modifications
Biochar produced by thermal decomposition of biomass under oxygen-limited conditions
has received increasing attention as a cost-effective sorbent to treat metal-contaminated …
has received increasing attention as a cost-effective sorbent to treat metal-contaminated …
Biochar for environmental management: Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, contaminant treatment, and potential negative impacts
C Zhang, G Zeng, D Huang, C Lai, M Chen… - Chemical Engineering …, 2019 - Elsevier
With increased interest in scientific investigations and large-scale applications of
lignocellulosic biomass derived biochar for environmental management, a comprehensive …
lignocellulosic biomass derived biochar for environmental management, a comprehensive …
Biochar implications for the engineering properties of soils: A review
Use of biochar as a soil amendment for climate change mitigation and environmental
remediation has been intensively studied over the past decade, yet the growing interest in …
remediation has been intensively studied over the past decade, yet the growing interest in …
A comprehensive review on physical activation of biochar for energy and environmental applications
Biochar is a solid by-product of thermochemical conversion of biomass to bio-oil and
syngas. It has a carbonaceous skeleton, a small amount of heteroatom functional groups …
syngas. It has a carbonaceous skeleton, a small amount of heteroatom functional groups …
Current advancement and future prospect of biosorbents for bioremediation
The increasing use of heavy metals, synthetic dyes and pesticides is a major environmental
concern. Wastewaters containing heavy metals and dyes, extensively released from small …
concern. Wastewaters containing heavy metals and dyes, extensively released from small …
Black carbon (biochar) in water/soil environments: molecular structure, sorption, stability, and potential risk
Black carbon (BC) is ubiquitous in the environments and participates in various
biogeochemical processes. Both positive and negative effects of BC (especially biochar) on …
biogeochemical processes. Both positive and negative effects of BC (especially biochar) on …
Application of biochar for the removal of pollutants from aqueous solutions
In recent years, many studies have been devoted to investigate the application of biochar for
pollutants removal from aqueous solutions. Biochar exhibits a great potential to efficiently …
pollutants removal from aqueous solutions. Biochar exhibits a great potential to efficiently …