Institutional barriers, strategies, and benefits to increasing the representation of women and men of color in the professoriate: Looking beyond the pipeline
KA Griffin - Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research …, 2019 - Springer
Women and men of color represent growing populations of the undergraduate and graduate
student populations nationwide; however, in many cases, this growth has not translated to …
student populations nationwide; however, in many cases, this growth has not translated to …
Striking a balance between work and play: The effects of work–life interference and burnout on faculty turnover intentions and career satisfaction
Background: The interactions between work and personal life are important for ensuring well-
being, especially during COVID-19 where the lines between work and home are blurred …
being, especially during COVID-19 where the lines between work and home are blurred …
Measuring the quality of faculty and administrative worklife: Implications for college and university campuses
LK Johnsrud - Research in higher education, 2002 - Springer
There seems to be a presumption that the quality of worklife on college and university
campuses has declined for faculty and administrative staff. What is not known is how …
campuses has declined for faculty and administrative staff. What is not known is how …
[BOOK][B] Rethinking faculty work: Higher education's strategic imperative.
JM Gappa, AE Austin, AG Trice - 2007 - psycnet.apa.org
Profound challenges in higher education--fiscal constraints, escalating competition,
demands for greater accountability, growing enrollments, increasingly diverse faculty …
demands for greater accountability, growing enrollments, increasingly diverse faculty …
Gender and letters of recommendation for academia: agentic and communal differences.
In 2 studies that draw from the social role theory of sex differences (AH Eagly, W. Wood, &
AB Diekman, 2000), the authors investigated differences in agentic and communal …
AB Diekman, 2000), the authors investigated differences in agentic and communal …
Academics job satisfaction and job stress across countries in the changing academic environments
This study examined job satisfaction and job stress across 19 higher education systems. We
classified the 19 countries according to their job satisfaction and job stress and applied …
classified the 19 countries according to their job satisfaction and job stress and applied …
Job satisfaction among university faculty: Individual, work, and institutional determinants
Job Satisfaction among University Faculty 155 aimed at promoting collaboration between
university faculty and industry. Although these policies seem to have had the direct effect of …
university faculty and industry. Although these policies seem to have had the direct effect of …
Faculty members' intentions to leave: A national study on their worklife and satisfaction
VJ Rosser - Research in higher education, 2004 - Springer
Despite the importance of faculty retention, there is little understanding of how demographic
variables, professional and institutional worklife issues, and satisfaction interact to explain …
variables, professional and institutional worklife issues, and satisfaction interact to explain …
Faculty members' morale and their intention to leave: A multilevel explanation
LK Johnsrud, VJ Rosser - The Journal of Higher Education, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Faculty members are rarely satisfied with their own institutions. They see administrators as
incompetent, communication as poor, and their influence as declining (Boyer, Altbach, & …
incompetent, communication as poor, and their influence as declining (Boyer, Altbach, & …
[BOOK][B] Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace: Recruitment, Retention, and Academic Culture. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 27 …
A Aguirre Jr - 2000 - ERIC
In an attempt to address the need for substantive comparisons in the minority university
faculty population, this monograph examines the relative differences in minority groups in …
faculty population, this monograph examines the relative differences in minority groups in …