Temperature and density dependence of line profiles of sodium perturbed by helium

NF Allard, K Myneni, JN Blakely, G Guillon - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2023‏ - aanda.org
Context. Ultracool stellar atmospheres and hot exoplanets show absorption by alkali
resonance lines severely broadened by collisions with neutral perturbers. In the coolest and …

Ab initio calculations on spectroscopic and transition properties of NaHe including spin-orbit coupling

D Liu, Y Yang, T Wang, M Yu, D Zhang… - Journal of Quantitative …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
The interactions between alkali-metal atoms and rare-gas atoms have attracted much
theoretical and experimental research interest. And accurate spectroscopic parameters play …

Spectroscopic properties of the low-lying electronic states of RbHen (n= 1, 2) and their comparison with lighter alkali metal-helium systems

A Chattopadhyay - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2012‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Ab initio-based configuration interaction studies on RbHe and He–Rb–He have explored
some key features of the low-lying electronic states of these van der Waals systems. The …

Rubidium D1 and D2 atomic lines' pressure broadened by ground-state helium atoms

F Bouhadjar, K Alioua, MT Bouazza… - Journal of Physics B …, 2014‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Full quantum calculations are performed to determine the spectral broadening of the
rubidium D 1 and D 2 lines induced by collisions with helium perturbers. The potential …

Photoabsorption profile and satellite features of the potassium transition perturbed by ground-state helium atoms

H Boutarfa, K Alioua, M Bouledroua, AR Allouche… - Physical Review A …, 2012‏ - APS
Quantal calculations are performed to determine the absorption profile of the broadened
potassium resonance line 4 p← 4 s in its far wings provoked by helium perturbers. First, the …

Spectroscopic constants and potential-energy curves for the Rydberg states of NaHe

SV Elfimov, DL Dorofeev, AS Chervinskaya… - Journal of Quantitative …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Thirty eight doublet electronic states of the Rydberg molecule NaHe are studied by means of
numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation using the finite element method. Twelve of …

Spectroscopic features of the low-lying singlet states of some N-alkyl retinylnitrone model systems and their involvement in oxaziridine formation

P Saini, A Chattopadhyay - RSC Advances, 2014‏ - pubs.rsc.org
The photo-excitation process and non-radiative decay channels of the model compounds of
some N-alkyl retinylnitrones are studied at the CASSCF/6-31G*, CASMP2/6-31G* and …

A Computational Study on the Photochemistry of 2, 4, 4‐Trimethyl‐1‐pyrroline 1‐Oxide and Investigation on the Reaction Paths of Its Photoproduct Oxaziridine

S Sen, A Chattopadhyay - ChemistrySelect, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
This computational study reveals the reaction pathways of the experimentally reported photo‐
conversion of 2, 4, 4‐trimethyl‐1‐pyrroline 1‐oxide to oxaziridine and the subsequent …

Comparative study of spectroscopic properties of the low-lying electronic states of 2, 4-pentadien-1-iminium cation and its N-substituted analogues

A Chattopadhyay - Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2012‏ - Springer
Semiempirical and ab initio-based CI methods have been employed to study the low-lying
electronic states of 2, 4-pentadien-1-iminium cation and its N-substituted analogues with …

Theoretical calculation of the electronic states below 326 000 cm−1 of the NaHe molecule

S Kontar, M Korek - Canadian Journal of Physics, 2015‏ - cdnsciencepub.com
The potential energy curves have been investigated for the lowest 54 electronic states in the
Λ 2 s+ 1 (±) representation of the molecule NaHe via the multireference configuration …