Frontal lobe changes in alcoholism: a review of the literature
HF Moselhy, G Georgiou, A Kahn - Alcohol and alcoholism, 2001 - academic.oup.com
Alcohol can induce a wide spectrum of effects on the central nervous system. These effects
can be recognized at the neurophysiological, morphological and neuropsychological levels …
can be recognized at the neurophysiological, morphological and neuropsychological levels …
Brain renin-angiotensin—a new look at an old system
JW Wright, JW Harding - Progress in neurobiology, 2011 - Elsevier
The classic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is described as a circulating hormone system
focused on cardiovascular and body water regulation, with angiotensin II as its major …
focused on cardiovascular and body water regulation, with angiotensin II as its major …
Widespread and sustained cognitive deficits in alcoholism: a meta‐analysis
K Stavro, J Pelletier, S Potvin - Addiction biology, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The cognitive repercussions of alcohol dependence are well documented. However, the
literature remains somewhat ambiguous with respect to which distinct cognitive functions are …
literature remains somewhat ambiguous with respect to which distinct cognitive functions are …
The neurocognitive effects of alcohol on adolescents and college students
DW Zeigler, CC Wang, RA Yoast, BD Dickinson… - Preventive …, 2005 - Elsevier
Background. Adolescents and college students are at high risk for initiating alcohol use and
high-risk (or binge) drinking. There is a growing body of literature on neurotoxic and harmful …
high-risk (or binge) drinking. There is a growing body of literature on neurotoxic and harmful …
Frontal lobe volume loss observed with magnetic resonance imaging in older chronic alcoholics
A Pfefferbaum, EV Sullivan… - Alcoholism: Clinical …, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
This study used magnetic resonance imaging to quantify the extent and pattern of tissue
volume deficit and cerebrospinal fluid volume enlargement in younger versus older chronic …
volume deficit and cerebrospinal fluid volume enlargement in younger versus older chronic …
Pattern of motor and cognitive deficits in detoxified alcoholic men
EV Sullivan, MJ Rosenbloom… - Alcoholism: clinical and …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Background: Chronic excessive consumption of alcohol produces marked deficits in
cognitive and motor abilities, although not all functions are affected to the same extent …
cognitive and motor abilities, although not all functions are affected to the same extent …
Profiles of impaired, spared, and recovered neuropsychologic processes in alcoholism
Long-term chronic alcoholism is associated with disparate and widespread residual
consequences for brain functioning and behavior, and alcoholics suffer a variety of cognitive …
consequences for brain functioning and behavior, and alcoholics suffer a variety of cognitive …
Cognitive deficits and CNS damage after a 4-day binge ethanol exposure in rats
JA Obernier, AM White, HS Swartzwelder… - Pharmacology …, 2002 - Elsevier
Impairments of learning and memory are common neuropsychological sequelae of chronic
alcohol abuse. Alcoholics often have impairments of anterograde memory, including spatial …
alcohol abuse. Alcoholics often have impairments of anterograde memory, including spatial …
Alcohol's effects on brain and behavior
Over the past 40 years, rigorous examination of brain function, structure, and attending
factors through multidisciplinary research has helped identify the substrates of alcohol …
factors through multidisciplinary research has helped identify the substrates of alcohol …
Chronic alcoholism and the frontal lobe: which executive functions are imparied?
MT Ratti, P Bo, A Giardini… - Acta Neurologica …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Objective–Over the last decade, various hypotheses have been advanced concerning the
cognitive functions affected by chronic alcoholism. The aim of this study was to identify the …
cognitive functions affected by chronic alcoholism. The aim of this study was to identify the …