Survey of the state of the art in human language technology

GB Varile, A Zampolli - 1997 -
Originally published in 1997, this book is concerned with human language technology. This
technology provides computers with the capability to handle spoken and written language …

[KNYGA][B] The generative lexicon

J Pustejovsky - 1998 -
The first formally elaborated theory of a generative approach to word meaning, The
Generative Lexicon lays the foundation for an implemented computational treatment of word …

Semi-productive polysemy and sense extension

A Copestake, T Briscoe - Journal of semantics, 1995 -
In this paper we discuss various aspects of systematic or conventional polysemy and their
formal treatment within an implemented constraint-based approach to linguistic …

[PDF][PDF] An Open Source Grammar Development Environment and Broad-coverage English Grammar Using HPSG.

AA Copestake, D Flickinger - LREC, 2000 -
Abstract The LinGO (Linguistic Grammars Online) project's English Resource Grammar and
the LKB grammar development environment are language resources which are freely …

COMLEX syntax: Building a computational lexicon

R Grishman, C Macleod, A Meyers - arxiv preprint cmp-lg/9411017, 1994 -
We describe the design of Comlex Syntax, a computational lexicon providing detailed
syntactic information for approximately 38,000 English headwords. We consider the types of …

[KNYGA][B] CoreLex: systematic polysemy and underspecification

PP Buitelaar - 1998 -
This thesis is concerned with a unified approach to the systematic polysemy and
underspecification of nouns. Systematic polysemy--senses that are systematically related …

[KNYGA][B] Lexical acquisition at the syntax-semantics interface: diathesis alternations, subcategorization frames and selectional preferences

D McCarthy - 2001 -
Verbs frequently permit their arguments to be expressed syntactically in more than one way.
Such verbs are said to exhibit diathesis alternations. These alternations lie at the bridge …

[PDF][PDF] Default representation in constraint-based frameworks

A Lascarides, A Copestake - Computational Linguistics, 1999 -
Default unification has been used in several linguistic applications. Most of them have
utilized defaults at a metalevel, as part of an extended description language. We propose …

[PDF][PDF] Lexical rules in constraint based grammars

T Briscoe, A Copestake - Computational Linguistics, 1999 -
We illustrate the utility of this approach with a treatment of dative constructions within a
linguistic framework that borrows insights from the constraint-based theories: HPSG …

Lexical issues in natural language processing

T Briscoe - … : Symposium Proceedings Brussels, November 26/27 …, 1991 - Springer
In this paper, I will briefly describe the role of the lexicon in natural language processing
(NLP) applications and will go on to discuss a number of issues in lexical research and in …