Analysis of leader effectiveness in organization and knowledge sharing behavior on employees and organization
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between leadership effectiveness,
knowledge sharing behavior, business performance, firm strategy, and firm performance. In …
knowledge sharing behavior, business performance, firm strategy, and firm performance. In …
[HTML][HTML] Knowledge and human capital as sustainable competitive advantage in human resource management
The ability to do business successfully and to stay on the market is a unique feature of each
company ensured by highly engaged and high-quality employees. Therefore, innovative …
company ensured by highly engaged and high-quality employees. Therefore, innovative …
Performance management systems, innovative work behavior and the role of transformational leadership: an experimental approach
Purpose Despite increasing attention to employee development, past research has mostly
studied performance management systems (PMSs) in relation to task-related behaviors …
studied performance management systems (PMSs) in relation to task-related behaviors …
The influence of performance appraisal justice on employee job performance: A dual path model
B Lyu, W Su, Q Qi, F **ao - Sage Open, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Performance appraisal, as a powerful tool for human resource management, has become an
important driving force for organizations to achieve sustainability. However, only when …
important driving force for organizations to achieve sustainability. However, only when …
Counteracting the curvilinear relationship between organizational tenure and career initiative: The role of mentoring and network barriers
AN Rao, M Virick - European Journal of Training and Development, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This study investigates the antecedents of career initiative, a proactive behavior,
whereby individuals engage in activities to promote their career development. The authors …
whereby individuals engage in activities to promote their career development. The authors …
Human Resource Management Practices, Job Satisfaction and Performance: Evidence from Transportation Sector in India
A Batta, G Bandameeda… - Asia-Pacific Journal of …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The present research aims to empirically examine the effect of human resource
management (HRM) practices on employee outcomes. More specifically, the relationship …
management (HRM) practices on employee outcomes. More specifically, the relationship …
Determinan kinerja karyawan perusahaan pertambangan Maluku Utara
L Azuwara, J Tanuwijaya - Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen …, 2023 - journal.stiemb.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh sistem manajemen kinerja terhadap
perilaku kerja inovatif dan kinerja karyawan yang di moderasi kepemimpinan …
perilaku kerja inovatif dan kinerja karyawan yang di moderasi kepemimpinan …
Investigating the Relationship between Workplace Expectations and Turnover Intention Mindset among Romanian Students as Representatives of Generation Z
In the age of the digital revolution, attracting and retaining the youngest generation of
employees, namely Generation Z, has emerged as a critical concern for organizations. The …
employees, namely Generation Z, has emerged as a critical concern for organizations. The …
Analisis Efektivitas Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kabupaten Berau Dalam Pelayanan Publik
R Sarta, L Manurung, T Rosita - Publikauma: Jurnal Administrasi …, 2023 - ojs.uma.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas kinerja pegawai Badan Perencanaan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan (BAPLITBANG) Kabupaten Berau dalam pelayanan publik …
Penelitian dan Pengembangan (BAPLITBANG) Kabupaten Berau dalam pelayanan publik …
The Motivational Model of Job Performance for Five-Star Hotel Employees between Thailand and Myanmar through Cross-Cultural Management
A Poo-Udom, S Lertbuasin - Journal of Thai Hospitality and …, 2022 - so04.tci-thaijo.org
The purpose of this research was to find a factor affecting the motivational model in cross-
cultural management between Thailand expatriate managers and five-star hotel employees …
cultural management between Thailand expatriate managers and five-star hotel employees …