Identifying organizational identification as a basis for attitudes and behaviors: A meta-analytic review.
Organizational identification has been argued to have a unique value in explaining
individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, as it involves the essential definition of …
individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, as it involves the essential definition of …
A systematic review and meta-analytic synthesis of the relationship between compulsory citizenship behaviors and its theoretical correlates
Background Compulsory citizenship behaviors (CCBs) are increasingly endorsed and
expected of workers in contexts where managerial worker protections are low and …
expected of workers in contexts where managerial worker protections are low and …
A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
Research on social identification in organizations is diverse and evolving. As focus has
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
How and when compulsory citizenship behavior leads to employee silence: a moderated mediation model based on moral disengagement and supervisor …
Prior research on citizenship behavior (CB) has mainly focused on its voluntary side—
organizational citizenship behavior. Unfortunately, although compulsory behavior is a global …
organizational citizenship behavior. Unfortunately, although compulsory behavior is a global …
How other-and self-compassion reduce burnout through resource replenishment
The average employee feels burnt out, a multidimensional state of depletion likely to persist
without intervention. In this paper, we consider compassion as an agentic action by which …
without intervention. In this paper, we consider compassion as an agentic action by which …
Compulsory citizenship behavior and employee creativity: creative self-efficacy as a mediator and negative affect as a moderator
Workplace stressors were identified to have critical impacts on employee creativity.
However, little is known about how and when involuntary citizenship behavior [ie …
However, little is known about how and when involuntary citizenship behavior [ie …
Organizational citizenship behavior in the public and private sectors: A multilevel test of public service motivation and traditional antecedents
A Ingrams - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 2020 -
Scholarly knowledge of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has developed
significantly in the private and public sectors. However, comparisons between sectors have …
significantly in the private and public sectors. However, comparisons between sectors have …
Compulsory citizenship behavior and employee silence: The roles of emotional exhaustion and organizational identification
P He, X Wang, M Wu, C Estay - Social Behavior and Personality …, 2018 -
Past research on citizenship behavior has pointed primarily to its voluntary side—
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)—but some scholars have suggested that there is …
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)—but some scholars have suggested that there is …
Don't talk the talk, but walk the walk: the role of authentic CSR in fostering beneficial employee outcomes
Purpose Organizations implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) to act, or present
themselves as, sustainable. Yet, CSR efforts by organizations can be negatively received by …
themselves as, sustainable. Yet, CSR efforts by organizations can be negatively received by …
The impact of positive verbal rewards on organizational citizenship behavior—The mediating role of psychological ownership and affective commitment
X Zhao, Y Yang, G Han, Q Zhang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can foster organizational competitiveness and
survival especially, facing a rapidly changing environment. There are some empirical pieces …
survival especially, facing a rapidly changing environment. There are some empirical pieces …