Identifying organizational identification as a basis for attitudes and behaviors: A meta-analytic review.

ES Lee, TY Park, B Koo - Psychological bulletin, 2015 -
Organizational identification has been argued to have a unique value in explaining
individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, as it involves the essential definition of …

A systematic review and meta-analytic synthesis of the relationship between compulsory citizenship behaviors and its theoretical correlates

B Yildiz, Z Kaptan, T Yildiz, E Elibol, H Yildiz… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Background Compulsory citizenship behaviors (CCBs) are increasingly endorsed and
expected of workers in contexts where managerial worker protections are low and …

A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.

LM Greco, JP Porck, SL Walter… - Journal of Applied …, 2022 -
Research on social identification in organizations is diverse and evolving. As focus has
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …

How and when compulsory citizenship behavior leads to employee silence: a moderated mediation model based on moral disengagement and supervisor …

P He, Z Peng, H Zhao, C Estay - Journal of Business Ethics, 2019 - Springer
Prior research on citizenship behavior (CB) has mainly focused on its voluntary side—
organizational citizenship behavior. Unfortunately, although compulsory behavior is a global …

How other-and self-compassion reduce burnout through resource replenishment

K Schabram, YT Heng - Academy of Management Journal, 2022 -
The average employee feels burnt out, a multidimensional state of depletion likely to persist
without intervention. In this paper, we consider compassion as an agentic action by which …

Compulsory citizenship behavior and employee creativity: creative self-efficacy as a mediator and negative affect as a moderator

P He, Q Zhou, H Zhao, C Jiang, YJ Wu - Frontiers in Psychology, 2020 -
Workplace stressors were identified to have critical impacts on employee creativity.
However, little is known about how and when involuntary citizenship behavior [ie …

Organizational citizenship behavior in the public and private sectors: A multilevel test of public service motivation and traditional antecedents

A Ingrams - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 2020 -
Scholarly knowledge of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has developed
significantly in the private and public sectors. However, comparisons between sectors have …

Compulsory citizenship behavior and employee silence: The roles of emotional exhaustion and organizational identification

P He, X Wang, M Wu, C Estay - Social Behavior and Personality …, 2018 -
Past research on citizenship behavior has pointed primarily to its voluntary side—
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)—but some scholars have suggested that there is …

Don't talk the talk, but walk the walk: the role of authentic CSR in fostering beneficial employee outcomes

M Servaes, HNT Thu, T Kluijtmans, S Crucke - Management Decision, 2022 -
Purpose Organizations implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) to act, or present
themselves as, sustainable. Yet, CSR efforts by organizations can be negatively received by …

The impact of positive verbal rewards on organizational citizenship behavior—The mediating role of psychological ownership and affective commitment

X Zhao, Y Yang, G Han, Q Zhang - Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 -
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can foster organizational competitiveness and
survival especially, facing a rapidly changing environment. There are some empirical pieces …