A survey on aspect-based sentiment analysis: Tasks, methods, and challenges
As an important fine-grained sentiment analysis problem, aspect-based sentiment analysis
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
Exploring aspect-based sentiment quadruple extraction with implicit aspects, opinions, and ChatGPT: a comprehensive survey
In contrast to earlier ABSA studies primarily concentrating on individual sentiment
components, recent research has ventured into more complex ABSA tasks encompassing …
components, recent research has ventured into more complex ABSA tasks encompassing …
A survey on pragmatic processing techniques
Pragmatics, situated in the domains of linguistics and computational linguistics, explores the
influence of context on language interpretation, extending beyond the literal meaning of …
influence of context on language interpretation, extending beyond the literal meaning of …
MvP: Multi-view prompting improves aspect sentiment tuple prediction
Generative methods greatly promote aspect-based sentiment analysis via generating a
sequence of sentiment elements in a specified format. However, existing studies usually …
sequence of sentiment elements in a specified format. However, existing studies usually …
Instructabsa: Instruction learning for aspect based sentiment analysis
We introduce InstructABSA, an instruction learning paradigm for Aspect-Based Sentiment
Analysis (ABSA) subtasks. Our method introduces positive, negative, and neutral examples …
Analysis (ABSA) subtasks. Our method introduces positive, negative, and neutral examples …
Generative aspect-based sentiment analysis with contrastive learning and expressive structure
Generative models have demonstrated impressive results on Aspect-based Sentiment
Analysis (ABSA) tasks, particularly for the emerging task of extracting Aspect-Category …
Analysis (ABSA) tasks, particularly for the emerging task of extracting Aspect-Category …
Sequence generation with label augmentation for relation extraction
Sequence generation demonstrates promising performance in recent information extraction
efforts, by incorporating large-scale pre-trained Seq2Seq models. This paper investigates …
efforts, by incorporating large-scale pre-trained Seq2Seq models. This paper investigates …
MEMD-ABSA: a multi-element multi-domain dataset for aspect-based sentiment analysis
Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a long-standing research interest in the field of opinion
mining, and in recent years, researchers have gradually shifted their focus from simple …
mining, and in recent years, researchers have gradually shifted their focus from simple …
Uncertainty-aware unlikelihood learning improves generative aspect sentiment quad prediction
Recently, aspect sentiment quad prediction has received widespread attention in the field of
aspect-based sentiment analysis. Existing studies extract quadruplets via pre-trained …
aspect-based sentiment analysis. Existing studies extract quadruplets via pre-trained …
Overview of the SIGHAN 2024 shared task for Chinese dimensional aspect-based sentiment analysis
This paper describes the SIGHAN-2024 shared task for Chinese dimensional aspect-based
sentiment analysis (ABSA), including task description, data preparation, performance …
sentiment analysis (ABSA), including task description, data preparation, performance …