Formation of three-dimensional bicontinuous structures via molten salt dealloying studied in real-time by in situ synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography
Three-dimensional bicontinuous porous materials formed by dealloying contribute
significantly to various applications including catalysis, sensor development and energy …
significantly to various applications including catalysis, sensor development and energy …
Effect of the grain arrangements on the thermal stability of polycrystalline nickel-rich lithium-based battery cathodes
One of the most challenging aspects of develo** high-energy lithium-based batteries is
the structural and (electro) chemical stability of Ni-rich active cathode materials at thermally …
the structural and (electro) chemical stability of Ni-rich active cathode materials at thermally …
A brief guide to the structure of high-temperature molten salts and key aspects making them different from their low-temperature relatives, the ionic liquids
High-temperature molten salt research is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance these
days due to the apparent advantage of these systems in areas related to clean and …
days due to the apparent advantage of these systems in areas related to clean and …
Visualizing time-dependent microstructural and chemical evolution during molten salt corrosion of Ni-20Cr model alloy using correlative quasi in situ TEM and in situ …
Temperature-Dependent Morphological Evolution during Corrosion of the Ni-20Cr Alloy in Molten Salt Revealed by Multiscale Imaging
Understanding the mechanisms leading to the degradation of alloys in molten salts at
elevated temperatures is significant for develo** several key energy generation and …
elevated temperatures is significant for develo** several key energy generation and …
An in situ microtomography apparatus with a laboratory x-ray source for elevated temperatures of up to 1000° C
An elevated-temperature in situ microtomography apparatus that can measure internal
damage parameters under tensile loads at high temperatures up to 1000 C is developed …
damage parameters under tensile loads at high temperatures up to 1000 C is developed …
Elucidating the Transition of 3D Morphological Evolution of Binary Alloys in Molten Salts with Metal Ion Additives
Molten salts serve as effective high-temperature heat transfer fluids and thermal storage
media used in a wide range of energy generation and storage facilities, including …
media used in a wide range of energy generation and storage facilities, including …
Exploring Cr and molten salt interfacial interactions for molten salt applications
Molten salts play an important role in various energy-related applications such as high-
temperature heat transfer fluids and reaction media. However, the extreme molten salt …
temperature heat transfer fluids and reaction media. However, the extreme molten salt …