Physical parameters of wild boar meat quality: a review

N Fabijanić, M Konjačić, Z Luković, Z Prpić… - Journal of Central …, 2023 -
For centuries, game meat has been an important source of proteins, vitamins and minerals
in the human diet. Interest for game meat during last few decades is increasing, mainly due …

Wild boar meat as a sustainable substitute for pork: A mixed methods approach

K Macháčková, J Zelený, D Lang, Z Vinš - Sustainability, 2021 -
Sensory analysis is unusual in sustainability research, although it can offer a neoteric aspect
of nature and wild animals' perception. The study's objective was to identify consumers' …

Spatial and temporal dynamics of wild boars Sus scrofa hunted in Alpine environment

A Fanelli, A Perrone, E Ferroglio - European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2021 - Springer
This study evaluated the trend and spatial distribution of wild boar population harvested in
the Alpine hunting district CA CN1 (Piedmont, Italy) from 1996 to 2018, and its relation with …

The effect of age and ultimate pH value on selected quality traits of meat from wild boar

M Stanisz, A Ludwiczak… - Canadian Journal of …, 2018 -
The meat from hunted wild boar juveniles (N= 18) and yearlings (N= 17) was analysed to
assess the influence of age and the ultimate pH value on selected quality traits. The …

The effect of chilled storage on the quality of meat from the feral wild boar (Sus scrofa)

A Ludwiczak, D Kulig… - Italian Journal of …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
M. Longissimus lumborum from 16 wild boars was analysed 48 and 360-h post-mortem in
order to evaluate the effect of storage on the quality of meat from the feral wild boar. The pH …

Fizikalni pokazatelji kakvoće mesa divlje svinje: pregled

N FABIJANIĆ, M KONJAČIĆ, Z LUKOVIĆ… - Journal of Central …, 2023 -
Sažetak Stoljećima je meso divljači važan izvor bjelančevina, vitamina i minerala u ljudskoj
prehrani. Zanimanje za mesom divljači posljednjih je desetljeća u porastu, uglavnom zbog …

Porównanie parametrów chemicznych i fizycznych mięśnia longissimus dorsi dzików i tuczników

A KASPRZYK - Journal of Animal Science, Biology and …, 2015 -
Celem badań była charakterystyka wybranych cech chemicznych i fizycznych
determinujących walory użytkowe mięsa dzików oraz tuczników. Materiał do badań …