Empowering leadership in hospitality and tourism management: a systematic literature review
Purpose This study aims to review the empirical studies on empowering leadership in
hospitality and tourism and proposes an associated research agenda. Design/methodology …
hospitality and tourism and proposes an associated research agenda. Design/methodology …
Leveraging leaders: A literature review and future lines of inquiry for empowering leadership research
PN Sharma, BL Kirkman - Group & organization …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
We review and synthesize the empowering leadership literature and, as a result, suggest
two new provocative lines of inquiry directing future research. Based on a set of testable …
two new provocative lines of inquiry directing future research. Based on a set of testable …
Empowering leadership: A meta‐analytic examination of incremental contribution, mediation, and moderation
The concept of empowering leadership (EL) has seen increasing scholarly interest in recent
years. This study reports a meta‐analysis investigating the effects of EL on employee work …
years. This study reports a meta‐analysis investigating the effects of EL on employee work …
Employee responses to empowering leadership: A meta-analysis
A recent and growing number of studies examined how empowering leadership influences
employee outcomes. At the individual level, we meta-analyzed 55 independent samples to …
employee outcomes. At the individual level, we meta-analyzed 55 independent samples to …
Knowledge hiding and team creativity: the contingent role of task interdependence
PSW Fong, C Men, J Luo, R Jia - Management Decision, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose Creativity and innovation are crucial in improving the organizational performance
and sustaining competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the …
and sustaining competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the …
How does empowering leadership promote employee creativity? The sequential mediating mechanism of felt obligation for constructive change and job crafting
Integrating the reciprocity lens and the componential model of creative process, we develop
novel theoretical insights regarding how and when empowering leadership promotes …
novel theoretical insights regarding how and when empowering leadership promotes …
Knowledge sharing through empowering leadership: the roles of psychological empowerment and learning goal orientation
Purpose Knowledge sharing has become necessary for organizations as it is a source of
competitive advantage. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how empowering …
competitive advantage. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how empowering …
Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and tourism: A review of current literature and suggestions for the future
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the strategic human resources
management (HRM) literature from the points of view of both general management and …
management (HRM) literature from the points of view of both general management and …
Work engagement and turnover intentions: Correlates and customer orientation as a moderator
Purpose The purpose of this study is to gauge the effects of challenge and hindrance
stressors as well as three high-performance work practices (HPWPs) such as training …
stressors as well as three high-performance work practices (HPWPs) such as training …
Team innovation
D van Knippenberg - Annual Review of Organizational …, 2017 - annualreviews.org
Team innovation is of growing importance in research in organizational psychology and
organizational behavior as well as organizational practice. I review the empirical literature in …
organizational behavior as well as organizational practice. I review the empirical literature in …