Brain mechanisms of acoustic communication in humans and nonhuman primates: an evolutionary perspective
Any account of “what is special about the human brain”(Passingham 2008) must specify the
neural basis of our unique ability to produce speech and delineate how these remarkable …
neural basis of our unique ability to produce speech and delineate how these remarkable …
Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech science
Recent articles on primate articulatory abilities are revolutionary regarding speech
emergence, a crucial aspect of language evolution, by revealing a human-like system of …
emergence, a crucial aspect of language evolution, by revealing a human-like system of …
[CARTE][B] Phonological development: The first two years
MM Vihman - 2014 - pure.york.ac.uk
This book provides an extensive overview of research into child production and perception.
It focuses primarily on the first two years of life because, for the majority of children, that …
It focuses primarily on the first two years of life because, for the majority of children, that …
Printable 3D vocal tract shapes from MRI data and their acoustic and aerodynamic properties
A detailed understanding of how the acoustic patterns of speech sounds are generated by
the complex 3D shapes of the vocal tract is a major goal in speech research. The Dresden …
the complex 3D shapes of the vocal tract is a major goal in speech research. The Dresden …
Peripheral mechanisms for vocal production in birds–differences and similarities to human speech and singing
T Riede, F Goller - Brain and language, 2010 - Elsevier
Song production in songbirds is a model system for studying learned vocal behavior. As in
humans, bird phonation involves three main motor systems (respiration, vocal organ and …
humans, bird phonation involves three main motor systems (respiration, vocal organ and …
Novelty and social preference in phonetic accommodation
Phonetic imitation is the unintentional, spontaneous acquisition of speech characteristics of
another talker. Previous work has shown that imitation is strongly moderated by social …
another talker. Previous work has shown that imitation is strongly moderated by social …
Correcting the record: Phonetic potential of primate vocal tracts and the legacy of Philip Lieberman (1934− 2022)
AG Ekström - American Journal of Primatology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The phonetic potential of nonhuman primate vocal tracts has been the subject of
considerable contention in recent literature. Here, the work of Philip Lieberman (1934 …
considerable contention in recent literature. Here, the work of Philip Lieberman (1934 …
On short-time estimation of vocal tract length from formant frequencies
Vocal tract length is highly variable across speakers and determines many aspects of the
acoustic speech signal, making it an essential parameter to consider for explaining …
acoustic speech signal, making it an essential parameter to consider for explaining …
Increases in cognitive and linguistic processing primarily account for increases in speaking rate with age
Age‐related increases of speaking rate are not fully understood, but have been attributed to
gains in biologic factors and learned skills that support speech production. This study …
gains in biologic factors and learned skills that support speech production. This study …
Vocal tract anatomy and the neural bases of talking
P Lieberman - Journal of Phonetics, 2012 - Elsevier
Being able to talk entails having both a species-specific tongue and neural mechanisms that
can acquire and execute the motor acts that generate human speech. Darwinian …
can acquire and execute the motor acts that generate human speech. Darwinian …