Ab initio molecular dynamics: basic concepts, current trends and novelapplications

ME Tuckerman - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
The field of ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD), in which finite temperature molecular
dynamics (MD) trajectories are generated with forces obtained from accurate'on the …

The role and perspective of ab initio molecular dynamics in the study of biological systems

P Carloni, U Rothlisberger… - Accounts of Chemical …, 2002 - ACS Publications
Ab initio molecular dynamics (MD) allows realistic simulations to be performed without
adjustable parameters. In recent years, the technique has been used on an increasing …

[책][B] Enzymatic reaction mechanisms

PA Frey, AD Hegeman - 2007 - books.google.com
Books dealing with the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions were written a generation ago.
They included volumes entitled Bioorganic Mechanisms, I and II by TC Bruice and SJ …

Molecular dynamics and free energy studies on the wild-type and double mutant HIV-1 protease complexed with amprenavir and two amprenavir-related inhibitors …

T Hou, R Yu - Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2007 - ACS Publications
The V82F/I84V double mutation is considered as the key residue mutation of the HIV-1
protease drug resistance because it can significantly lower the binding affinity of protease …

Designing non-peptide peptidomimetics in the 21st century: inhibitors targeting conformational ensembles

MG Bursavich, DH Rich - Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2002 - ACS Publications
During the past 100 years ligand binding has been described via two basic rationales. Emil
Fisher first proposed in 1894 the lock and key rationale1 to describe ligandrreceptor binding …

Follow the protons: a low-barrier hydrogen bond unifies the mechanisms of the aspartic proteases

DB Northrop - Accounts of Chemical Research, 2001 - ACS Publications
Seven proton transfers in five steps participate in a catalytic turnover of an aspartic protease.
The Rosetta Stone for elucidating their role is a low-barrier hydrogen bond that holds the two …

Low barrier hydrogen bonds in protein structure and function

MT Kemp, EM Lewandowski, Y Chen - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) …, 2021 - Elsevier
Low-barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) are a special type of short hydrogen bond (HB) that is
characterized by the equal sharing of a hydrogen atom. The existence and catalytic role of …

Structure⧸ Function Correlations of Proteins using MM, QM⧸ MM, and Related Approaches: Methods, Concepts, Pitfalls, and Current Progress

A Shurki, A Warshel - Advances in protein chemistry, 2003 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on the progress and the current state of
structure/function correlations of biomolecules. One of the primary goals of modern …

Molecular dynamics study of the connection between flap closing and binding of fullerene-based inhibitors of the HIV-1 protease

Z Zhu, DI Schuster, ME Tuckerman - Biochemistry, 2003 - ACS Publications
The complementary spatial relationship between fullerene C60 and the hydrophobic cavity
region of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease, which houses the active site of …

Ab initio molecular dynamics-based assignment of the protonation state of pepstatin A/HIV-1 protease cleavage site

S Piana, D Sebastiani, P Carloni… - Journal of the American …, 2001 - ACS Publications
A recent 13C NMR experiment (Smith et al. Nature Struct. Biol. 1996, 3, 946− 950) on the
Asp 25-Asp25 'dyad in pepstatin A/HIV-1 protease measured two separate resonance lines …