Becoming part of welfare Scandinavia: Integration through the spatial dispersal of newly arrived refugees in Denmark
BR Larsen - Migration, Family and the Welfare State, 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In Denmark, the practice of transnational arranged marriages among immigrants hasstirred
debate on several levels of society. One effect of the debate is a tightenedregulation of …
debate on several levels of society. One effect of the debate is a tightenedregulation of …
New forms of home blindness: Rethinking fieldwork methods in digitalized environments
Digital Anthropology has in the past two decades emerged as a field that seeks to better
grasp experiences of being human within digital technology and culture. However, digital …
grasp experiences of being human within digital technology and culture. However, digital …
[КНИГА][B] Tidlig språkstimulering og livslang læring: en kunnskapsoversikt
VG Aukrust - 2005 - paedagogen.dk
Læring i kunnskapssamfunnet er mediert gjennom språklige og symbolske ressurser. God
tekstforståelse en forutsetning for å tilegne seg kunnskap og lære innenfor de fleste …
tekstforståelse en forutsetning for å tilegne seg kunnskap og lære innenfor de fleste …
Healthy eating and barriers related to social class. The case of vegetable and fish consumption in Norway
SE Skuland - Appetite, 2015 - Elsevier
The article examines the constraints on healthy eating by exploring whether barriers such as
taste, competence, time, price, quality and limited selection reduce consumption of …
taste, competence, time, price, quality and limited selection reduce consumption of …
The Norwegian trekking association: Trekking as constituting the nation
G Ween, S Abram - Landscape Research, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This article takes a performative approach to understanding the significance of hiking
practices in 'wilderness' landscapes. It examines the role of the Norwegian Trekking …
practices in 'wilderness' landscapes. It examines the role of the Norwegian Trekking …
Å studere fortellinger om integrering i en lokalsamfunnskontekst: En introduksjon til et komplekst forskningsfelt
TF Sætermo, B Gullikstad, GK Kristensen - Fortellinger om integrering i …, 2021 - idunn.no
Kapittelet gir en introduksjon til det omfattende og komplekse forskningsfeltet
integreringsstudier. Det gjør rede for hvordan integreringsbegrepet har skiftet politisk …
integreringsstudier. Det gjør rede for hvordan integreringsbegrepet har skiftet politisk …
Introduction: Egalitarianism in a Scandinavian context
S Bendixsen, MB Bringslid, H Vike - Egalitarianism in Scandinavia …, 2018 - Springer
This Introduction sets out different ways of engaging with the history of the Scandinavian
countries to create a framework of the themes and positions regarding egalitarianism in …
countries to create a framework of the themes and positions regarding egalitarianism in …
[PDF][PDF] Skolen ser ikke hele meg! En narrativ og postkolonial studie av sosial ulikhet i den videregående skolen gjennom minoritetselevers erfaringer med å være
C Chinga-Ramirez - 2015 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Temaet for denne avhandlingen er opplevelse av sosial ulikhet i utdanningssystemet blant
etniske minoriteter. Den handler om hvordan elever med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn erfarer …
etniske minoriteter. Den handler om hvordan elever med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn erfarer …
Problematizing culture: Discourses on integration in Norway
A Hagelund - Journal of International Migration and Integration …, 2002 - Springer
How does one, in a society which traditionally has been perceived as homogenous and
egalitarian, debate issues of immigration and increasing cultural diversity? This article …
egalitarian, debate issues of immigration and increasing cultural diversity? This article …
Kinning and de-kinning: houses, heirlooms and the reproduction of family
S Abram, ME Lien - Social Anthropology/Anthropologie …, 2023 - berghahnjournals.com
Abstract 'Kinning and De-kinning'introduces a special issue that considers how houses,
heirlooms and other owned items reproduce kinship and family in diverse societies. It …
heirlooms and other owned items reproduce kinship and family in diverse societies. It …