Experimental assessment on exploiting low carbon ethanol fuel in a light-duty dual-fuel compression ignition engine
Compression ignition (CI) engines are widely used in modern society, but they are also
recognized as a significative source of harmful and human hazard emissions such as …
recognized as a significative source of harmful and human hazard emissions such as …
Ethanol in dual-fuel and blend fueling modes for advanced combustion in compression ignition engines
The transportation sector is one of the main contributors to global CO2 emissions and is
expected to further increase due to the growth of population and life quality standards …
expected to further increase due to the growth of population and life quality standards …
Engine parameters assessment for alcohols fuels application in compression ignition engines
An increasing interest of governments on alternative fuels for internal combustion engines
(ICE) as a possible route to reduce pollutant and CO 2 emissions has been shown …
(ICE) as a possible route to reduce pollutant and CO 2 emissions has been shown …
Cylinder-to-cylinder variation sources in diesel low temperature combustion and the influence they have on emissions
Cylinder-to-cylinder variation in a multi-cylinder diesel engine was found to increase
substantially when transitioning to a low-temperature combustion mode. This study was …
substantially when transitioning to a low-temperature combustion mode. This study was …
Waste heat recovery potential of advanced internal combustion engine technologies
TJ Jacobs - Journal of Energy Resources …, 2015 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Coupling waste heat recovery with internal combustion engines creates opportunities to
improve overall system efficiency and power output. The internal combustion engine has …
improve overall system efficiency and power output. The internal combustion engine has …
Efficiency improvements with low heat rejection concepts applied to diesel low temperature combustion
MA Penny, TJ Jacobs - International Journal of Engine …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
There is a strong motivation to decrease the production and release of harmful substances
such as oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and particulate matter from internal combustion engines …
such as oxides of nitrogen (NOX) and particulate matter from internal combustion engines …
Low-temperature combustion with biodiesel: Its enabling features in improving efficiency and emissions
BT Tompkins, TJ Jacobs - Energy & fuels, 2013 - ACS Publications
Low-temperature combustion is gaining interest for use in production reciprocating internal
combustion engines because of its feature of simultaneously decreasing nitrogen oxides …
combustion engines because of its feature of simultaneously decreasing nitrogen oxides …
Biodiesel later-phased low temperature combustion ignition and burn rate behavior on engine torque
Finding a replacement for fossil fuels is critical for the future of automotive transportation.
The compression ignition (CI) engine is an important aspect of everyday life by means of …
The compression ignition (CI) engine is an important aspect of everyday life by means of …
Observed differences in low-temperature heat release and their possible effect on efficiency between petroleum diesel and soybean biodiesel operating in low …
AM Narayanan, TJ Jacobs - Energy & Fuels, 2015 - ACS Publications
Low-temperature combustion (LTC) in diesel engines has emerged as an enabling
technology to simultaneously reduce oxides of nitrogen and smoke emissions. Combustion …
technology to simultaneously reduce oxides of nitrogen and smoke emissions. Combustion …
Energy balance analysis to assess efficiency improvements with low heat rejection concepts applied to low temperature combustion
MA Penny, TJ Jacobs - Combustion Science and Technology, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Simultaneously decreasing diesel engine emissions while increasing engine efficiency can
be a challenge. The results of recent computational and experimental studies, however …
be a challenge. The results of recent computational and experimental studies, however …