[HTML][HTML] On fixed-point equations involving Geraghty-type contractions with solution to integral equation

MP Singh, Y Rohen, N Saleem, KH Alam, KA Singh… - Mathematics, 2023 - mdpi.com
In this study, the authors verify fixed-point results for Geraghty contractions with a restricted
co-domain of the auxiliary function in the context of generalized metric structure, namely the …

[HTML][HTML] Fixed Point Theory in Extended Parametric Sb-Metric Spaces and Its Applications

N Mani, S Beniwal, R Shukla, M **ale - Symmetry, 2023 - mdpi.com
This article introduces the novel concept of an extended parametric S b-metric space, which
is a generalization of both S b-metric spaces and parametric S b-metric spaces. Within this …

Fixed Points of Generalized α‐Meir‐Keeler Contraction Map**s in Sb‐Metric Spaces

T Stephen, Y Rohen, N Saleem… - Journal of Function …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
In this note, we define Meir‐Keeler contraction in Sb‐metric spaces. Further, by adding the
concept of α‐admissible map**s, we define generalized αs‐Meir‐Keeler contraction and …

Fixed Point Of Contractive Map**s Of Integral Type Over An - Metric Space: Fixed Point Of Contractive Map**s

K Roy, M Saha, I Beg - Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - journals.math.tku.edu.tw
Fixed Point of Contractive Map**s of Integral Type over an SJS- Metric Space 1 Introduction
Page 1 TAMKANG JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Volume 52, Number 2, 267-280, June 2021 …

Solution of an algebraic linear system of equations using fixed point results in C∗-algebra valued extended Branciari Sb-metric spaces

KH Alam, Y Rohen, IA Kallel, J Ahmad - International Journal of …, 2024 - etamaths.com
This study explores the realm of metric spaces, advancing beyond conventional boundaries
by introducing two innovative types of metrics known as generalized Branciari-type metrics …

[PDF][PDF] Fixed point theorems on parametric A-metric space

N Priyobarta, Y Rohen… - American Journal of …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Fixed Point Theorems on Parametric A-metric Space Page 1 American Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Statistics, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1-5 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajams/6/1/1 …

S^{JS}-metric and topological spaces

I Beg, K Roy, M Saha - Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2020 - ijmex.com
We introduce the idea of S^{JS}-metric spaces which is a generalization of metric spaces.
We next study the properties of S^{JS}-metric spaces and prove several theorems. We also …


KA Singh, MR Singh… - Electronic Journal of …, 2021 - ejmaa.journals.ekb.eg
contraction principle which is the foundation of me Page 1 Electronic Journal of …

[PDF][PDF] Branciari Sb-metric space and related fixed point theorems with an application

K Roy, M Saha - Appl. Math. E-Notes, 2022 - kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
In this article, we introduce the concept of Branciari Sψ-metric space which is a
generalization of S-metric space and Sψ-metric space. By defining a topology on such …

[PDF][PDF] Fixed point theorems of generalised S-β-ψ contractive type map**s

B Khomdram, Y Rohen, YM Singh, MS Khan - Mathematica Moravica, 2018 - core.ac.uk
Fixed point theorems of generalised S − β − ψ contractive type map**s Page 1 doi:10.5937/MatMor1801081K
Mathematica Moravica Vol. 22, No. 1 (2018), 81–92 Fixed point theorems of generalised S …