Methodological choices in work-life balance research 1987 to 2006: A critical review
This study reviewed methodological choices (sampling frames, constructs investigated and
measures used) in 245 empirical work-life balance papers published in a range of discipline …
measures used) in 245 empirical work-life balance papers published in a range of discipline …
Expanding the boundaries of work—family research: A review and agenda for future research
Given the dominance of work—family research within the context of the United States and a
disparate and fractured understanding of the dynamic interplay between work and family for …
disparate and fractured understanding of the dynamic interplay between work and family for …
Toward a better understanding of the causal effects of role demands on work–family conflict: A genetic modeling approach.
Over the past several decades, there has been considerable interest in the theoretical
causes of work–family conflict (WFC). Most studies have focused on situational …
causes of work–family conflict (WFC). Most studies have focused on situational …
Women and work‐life balance: Is home‐based business ownership the solution?
E Walker, C Wang, J Redmond - Equal Opportunities International, 2008 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper seeks to explore self‐employment through home‐based business
ownership as a potential solution to the inter‐role conflict experienced by women attempting …
ownership as a potential solution to the inter‐role conflict experienced by women attempting …
Barreras de género en el desarrollo profesional de la mujer universitaria1 Gender barriers in the professional development of women university graduates
T Donoso, P Figuera, MLR Moreno - Revista de educación, 2011 - books.google.com
La finalidad de la investigación presentada es identificar aquellos factores que actúan de
barreras de género para las estudiantes universitarias en relación a su proyecto …
barreras de género para las estudiantes universitarias en relación a su proyecto …
[Књига][B] Managing work-life balance in construction
H Lingard, V Francis - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Work in the construction industry is particularly tough. It demands excessively long hours
and frequent weekend work. Other characteristics are particularly marked, such as re …
and frequent weekend work. Other characteristics are particularly marked, such as re …
Managing work, family, and school roles: Disengagement strategies can help and hinder.
Abstract [Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 18 (4) of Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology (see record 2013-34630-007). In the article, grant …
Occupational Health Psychology (see record 2013-34630-007). In the article, grant …
Crossover effects of work-family conflict among Chinese couples
C Lu, JJ Lu, D Du, P Brough - Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2016 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to investigate the crossover effects of one partner's
work-family conflict (WFC) on the other partner's family satisfaction, physical well-being, and …
work-family conflict (WFC) on the other partner's family satisfaction, physical well-being, and …
Parental leave and work‐family balance among employed parents following childbirth: An exploratory investigation in Australia and New Zealand
Although there has been considerable research internationally on the topic of work‐family
balance, one area largely overlooked concerns the acute demands experienced by …
balance, one area largely overlooked concerns the acute demands experienced by …
Student work-study boundary flexibility and relationships with burnout and study engagement
Relatively little is known about how working students manage their dual roles of work and
study. To extend this research, we examined the direct and indirect relationships between …
study. To extend this research, we examined the direct and indirect relationships between …