The impact of accidents during the transport of dangerous good, on people, the environment, and infrastructure and measures for their reduction: a review
Road transport is one of the most dangerous methods of goods transport. Driver errors and
poor traffic conditions can cause traffic accidents, which can have a negative impact on …
poor traffic conditions can cause traffic accidents, which can have a negative impact on …
[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of a third-party logistics (3PL) provider using a rough SWARA–WASPAS model based on a new rough dombi aggregator
For companies active in various sectors, the implementation of transport services and other
logistics activities has become one of the key factors of efficiency in the total supply chain …
logistics activities has become one of the key factors of efficiency in the total supply chain …
Accurate vehicle location system using RFID, an internet of things approach
Modern infrastructure, such as dense urban areas and underground tunnels, can effectively
block all GPS signals, which implies that effective position triangulation will not be achieved …
block all GPS signals, which implies that effective position triangulation will not be achieved …
Vehicle detection and traffic estimation with sensors technologies for intelligent transportation systems
The paper reviews the vehicle detection methods using the intrusive and non-intrusive
sensors. The objective of literature review is to summarize the sensors and technologies …
sensors. The objective of literature review is to summarize the sensors and technologies …
[HTML][HTML] The importance of the human factor in safety for the transport of dangerous goods
This article discusses the issues related to the safety for the transport of dangerous goods by
road. Research on accidents in transport unambiguously points to the human factor, which is …
road. Research on accidents in transport unambiguously points to the human factor, which is …
No longer slee** with a bomb: a duet system for protecting urban safety from dangerous goods
Recent years have witnessed the continuous growth of megalopolises worldwide, which
makes urban safety a top priority in modern city life. Among various threats, dangerous …
makes urban safety a top priority in modern city life. Among various threats, dangerous …
Dgeye: Probabilistic risk perception and prediction for urban dangerous goods management
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of worldwide megalopolises and the
accompanying public safety events, making urban safety a top priority in modern urban …
accompanying public safety events, making urban safety a top priority in modern urban …