Contemporary social movements in a hybrid media environment
Media are central to the dynamics of protest and social movements. Contemporary social
movements face a shifting environment composed of new media technologies and platforms …
movements face a shifting environment composed of new media technologies and platforms …
Scaling social movements through social media: The case of Black Lives Matter
In this article, we explore the potential role of social media in hel** movements expand
and/or strengthen themselves internally, processes we refer to as scaling up. Drawing on a …
and/or strengthen themselves internally, processes we refer to as scaling up. Drawing on a …
Using social media to predict the future: a systematic literature review
Social media (SM) data provides a vast record of humanity's everyday thoughts, feelings,
and actions at a resolution previously unimaginable. Because user behavior on SM is a …
and actions at a resolution previously unimaginable. Because user behavior on SM is a …
Quantifying the power and consequences of social media protest
The exercise of power has been an implicit theme in research on the use of social media for
political protest, but few studies have attempted to measure social media power and its …
political protest, but few studies have attempted to measure social media power and its …
Online harassment and content moderation: The case of blocklists
Online harassment is a complex and growing problem. On Twitter, one mechanism people
use to avoid harassment is the blocklist, a list of accounts that are preemptively blocked from …
use to avoid harassment is the blocklist, a list of accounts that are preemptively blocked from …
Brevity is the soul of Twitter: The constraint affordance and political discussion
Many hoped that social networking sites would allow for the open exchange of information
and a revival of the public sphere. Unfortunately, conversations on social media are often …
and a revival of the public sphere. Unfortunately, conversations on social media are often …
Images that matter: Online protests and the mobilizing role of pictures
A Casas, NW Williams - Political Research Quarterly, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Do images affect online political mobilization? If so, how? These questions are of
fundamental importance to scholars of social movements, contentious politics, and political …
fundamental importance to scholars of social movements, contentious politics, and political …
[HTML][HTML] The role of Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube frequency of use in university students' digital skills components
The literature provides rich evidence on students' levels of digital skills as well as on their
frequency of Internet and social media use. Several studies have examined the relationships …
frequency of Internet and social media use. Several studies have examined the relationships …
Predictive analysis on Twitter: Techniques and applications
Predictive analysis of social media data has attracted considerable attention from the
research community as well as the business world because of the essential and actionable …
research community as well as the business world because of the essential and actionable …
Mobilizing the trump train: Understanding collective action in a political trolling community
Political trolls initiate online discord not only for the lulz (laughs), but also for ideological
reasons, such as promoting their desired political candidates. Political troll groups recently …
reasons, such as promoting their desired political candidates. Political troll groups recently …