Population-based optimization in structural engineering: a review
Structural engineering is focused on the safe and efficient design of infrastructure. Projects
can range in size and complexity, many requiring massive amounts of materials and …
can range in size and complexity, many requiring massive amounts of materials and …
Multi-objective seismic design optimization of structures: a review
Optimal seismic design of structures is a branch of structural optimization being developed
by many researchers. Many optimization problems and solution methods have been …
by many researchers. Many optimization problems and solution methods have been …
Torsion design of CFRP-CFST columns using a data-driven optimization approach
H Huang, C Xue, W Zhang, M Guo - Engineering Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
A challenging issue of utilizing the merit of the machine learning model to the multi-objective
optimization (MOO) problem is that sufficient physical experiments data are hard to get. With …
optimization (MOO) problem is that sufficient physical experiments data are hard to get. With …
A new optimization method: Dolphin echolocation
Nature has provided inspiration for most of the man-made technologies. Scientists believe
that dolphins are the second to humans in smartness and intelligence. Echolocation is the …
that dolphins are the second to humans in smartness and intelligence. Echolocation is the …
[HTML][HTML] Robust multi-equipment scheduling for U-shaped container terminals concerning double-cycling mode and uncertain operation time with cascade effects
The integrated scheduling of quay cranes, internal vehicles, and yard cranes in container
terminals aims to improve port operations and often requires scheduling robustness under …
terminals aims to improve port operations and often requires scheduling robustness under …
Advances in optimization of highrise building structures
This paper presents a review of interesting work on optimization of highrise building
structures with a focus on large-scale and real-life structures. A number of interesting …
structures with a focus on large-scale and real-life structures. A number of interesting …
Application of endurance time method in performance-based optimum design of structures
In this research, application of the Endurance Time (ET) method in performance-based
design of structures with and without consideration of uncertainties is investigated and a …
design of structures with and without consideration of uncertainties is investigated and a …
[PDF][PDF] Constructability optimal design of reinforced concrete retaining walls using a multi-objective genetic algorithm
The term “constructability” in regard to cast-in-place concrete construction refers mainly to
the ease of reinforcing steel placement. Bar congestion complicates steel placement …
the ease of reinforcing steel placement. Bar congestion complicates steel placement …
Time-cost trade-off optimization model for retrofitting planning projects using MOGA
This paper introduces a novel Time-Cost Trade-Off Optimization Model (TCTOM) tailored for
retrofitting projects in densely populated areas like India. Integrating structural, electrical …
retrofitting projects in densely populated areas like India. Integrating structural, electrical …
Multi-objective structural optimization for the automatic member grou** of truss structures using evolutionary algorithms
This paper aims to formulate the multi-objective structural optimization problem to find the
best member grou** of truss structures. The weight of the structure and the different …
best member grou** of truss structures. The weight of the structure and the different …