Hydrodynamics of operator spreading and quasiparticle diffusion in interacting integrable systems

S Gopalakrishnan, DA Huse, V Khemani, R Vasseur - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We address the hydrodynamics of operator spreading in interacting integrable lattice
models. In these models, operators spread through the ballistic propagation of …

Hydrodynamic diffusion in integrable systems

J De Nardis, D Bernard, B Doyon - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
We show that hydrodynamic diffusion is generically present in many-body, one-dimensional
interacting quantum and classical integrable models. We extend the recently developed …

Anomalous diffusion in dipole-and higher-moment-conserving systems

J Feldmeier, P Sala, G De Tomasi, F Pollmann… - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
The presence of global conserved quantities in interacting systems generically leads to
diffusive transport at late times. Here, we show that systems conserving the dipole moment …

Kinetic Theory of Spin Diffusion and Superdiffusion in Spin Chains

S Gopalakrishnan, R Vasseur - Physical review letters, 2019 - APS
We address the nature of spin transport in the integrable XXZ spin chain, focusing on the
isotropic Heisenberg limit. We calculate the diffusion constant using a kinetic picture based …

Diffusion in generalized hydrodynamics and quasiparticle scattering

J De Nardis, D Bernard, B Doyon - SciPost Physics, 2019 - scipost.org
We extend beyond the Euler scales the hydrodynamic theory for quantum and classical
integrable models developed in recent years, accounting for diffusive dynamics and local …

Statistical localization: From strong fragmentation to strong edge modes

T Rakovszky, P Sala, R Verresen, M Knap, F Pollmann - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Certain disorder-free Hamiltonians can be nonergodic due to a strong fragmentation of the
Hilbert space into disconnected sectors. Here, we characterize such systems by introducing …

Correlation functions and transport coefficients in generalised hydrodynamics

J De Nardis, B Doyon, M Medenjak… - Journal of Statistical …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the recent advances on exact results for dynamical correlation functions at large
scales and related transport coefficients in interacting integrable models. We discuss Drude …

Hierarchical generalization of dual unitarity

XH Yu, Z Wang, P Kos - Quantum, 2024 - quantum-journal.org
Quantum dynamics with local interactions in lattice models display rich physics, but is
notoriously hard to study. Dual-unitary circuits allow for exact answers to interesting physical …

Dynamical criticality of magnetization transfer in integrable spin chains

Ž Krajnik, J Schmidt, E Ilievski, T Prosen - Physical review letters, 2024 - APS
Recent studies have found that fluctuations of magnetization transfer in integrable spin
chains violate the central limit property. Here, we revisit the problem of anomalous counting …

Exact anomalous current fluctuations in a deterministic interacting model

Ž Krajnik, J Schmidt, V Pasquier, E Ilievski, T Prosen - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We analytically compute the full counting statistics of charge transfer in a classical
automaton of interacting charged particles. Deriving a closed-form expression for the …