Evolution of life in urban environments

MTJ Johnson, J Munshi-South - Science, 2017 - science.org
BACKGROUND The extent of urban areas is increasing around the world, and most humans
now live in cities. Urbanization results in dramatic environmental change, including …

Biodiversity in the city: key challenges for urban green space management

MFJ Aronson, CA Lepczyk, KL Evans… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Cities play important roles in the conservation of global biodiversity, particularly through the
planning and management of urban green spaces (UGS). However, UGS management is …

Principles for urban nature-based solutions

N Kabisch, N Frantzeskaki, R Hansen - Ambio, 2022 - Springer
Nature-based solutions (NBS) were introduced as integrated, multifunctional and multi-
beneficial solutions to a wide array of socio-ecological challenges. Although principles for a …

Who has access to urban vegetation? A spatial analysis of distributional green equity in 10 US cities

L Nesbitt, MJ Meitner, C Girling, SRJ Sheppard… - Landscape and Urban …, 2019 - Elsevier
This research examines the distributional equity of urban vegetation in 10 US urbanized
areas using very high resolution land cover data and census data. Urban vegetation is …

Factors affecting profitability in Malaysia

AS Alarussi, SM Alhaderi - Journal of Economic Studies, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors affecting profitability in
Malaysian-listed companies. It has been argued that profitability is the main pillar for any …

Biodiversity in the city: fundamental questions for understanding the ecology of urban green spaces for biodiversity conservation

CA Lepczyk, MFJ Aronson, KL Evans, MA Goddard… - …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
As urban areas expand, understanding how ecological processes function in cities has
become increasingly important for conserving biodiversity. Urban green spaces are critical …

[KNJIGA][B] Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas: Linkages between science, policy and practice

N Kabisch, H Korn, J Stadler, A Bonn - 2017 - library.oapen.org
This book series Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions is intended to
explore the different dynamics, challenges, and breakthroughs in accelerating sustainability …

Understanding an urbanizing planet: Strategic directions for remote sensing

Z Zhu, Y Zhou, KC Seto, EC Stokes, C Deng… - Remote Sensing of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Scientific contributions from remote sensing over the last fifty years have significantly
advanced our understanding of urban areas. Key contributions of urban remote sensing …

Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

N Kabisch, N Frantzeskaki, S Pauleit, S Naumann… - Ecology and society, 2016 - JSTOR
Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to
decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change …

The city as a refuge for insect pollinators

DM Hall, GR Camilo, RK Tonietto, J Ollerton… - Conservation …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Research on urban insect pollinators is changing views on the biological value and
ecological importance of cities. The abundance and diversity of native bee species in urban …