Brain networks and α-oscillations: structural and functional foundations of cognitive control
S Sadaghiani, A Kleinschmidt - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2016 -
The most salient electrical signal measured from the human brain is the α-rhythm, neural
activity oscillating at∼ 100ms intervals. Recent findings challenge the longstanding dogma …
activity oscillating at∼ 100ms intervals. Recent findings challenge the longstanding dogma …
Temporal coding organized by coupled alpha and gamma oscillations prioritize visual processing
Sensory systems must rely on powerful mechanisms for organizing complex information. We
propose a framework in which inhibitory alpha oscillations limit and prioritize neuronal …
propose a framework in which inhibitory alpha oscillations limit and prioritize neuronal …
Alpha and gamma oscillations characterize feedback and feedforward processing in monkey visual cortex
Cognitive functions rely on the coordinated activity of neurons in many brain regions, but the
interactions between cortical areas are not yet well understood. Here we investigated …
interactions between cortical areas are not yet well understood. Here we investigated …
The generation and propagation of the human alpha rhythm
The alpha rhythm is the longest-studied brain oscillation and has been theorized to play a
key role in cognition. Still, its physiology is poorly understood. In this study, we used …
key role in cognition. Still, its physiology is poorly understood. In this study, we used …
Theta and alpha oscillations are traveling waves in the human neocortex
Human cognition requires the coordination of neural activity across widespread brain
networks. Here, we describe a new mechanism for large-scale coordination in the human …
networks. Here, we describe a new mechanism for large-scale coordination in the human …
The many characters of visual alpha oscillations
A central feature of human brain activity is the alpha rhythm: a 7–13 Hz oscillation observed
most notably over occipitoparietal brain regions during periods of eyes‐closed rest. Alpha …
most notably over occipitoparietal brain regions during periods of eyes‐closed rest. Alpha …
Cortical travelling waves: mechanisms and computational principles
Multichannel recording technologies have revealed travelling waves of neural activity in
multiple sensory, motor and cognitive systems. These waves can be spontaneously …
multiple sensory, motor and cognitive systems. These waves can be spontaneously …
Alpha oscillations and traveling waves: Signatures of predictive coding?
Predictive coding is a key mechanism to understand the computational processes
underlying brain functioning: in a hierarchical network, higher levels predict the activity of …
underlying brain functioning: in a hierarchical network, higher levels predict the activity of …
Perceptual confidence neglects decision-incongruent evidence in the brain
Our perceptual experiences are accompanied by a subjective sense of certainty. These
confidence judgements typically correlate meaningfully with the probability that the relevant …
confidence judgements typically correlate meaningfully with the probability that the relevant …
Traveling theta waves in the human hippocampus
The hippocampal theta oscillation is strongly correlated with behaviors such as memory and
spatial navigation, but we do not understand its specific functional role. One hint of theta9s …
spatial navigation, but we do not understand its specific functional role. One hint of theta9s …