Map** reviews, sco** reviews, and evidence and gap maps (EGMs): the same but different—the “Big Picture” review family
Sco** reviews, map** reviews, and evidence and gap maps are evidence synthesis
methodologies that address broad research questions, aiming to describe a bigger picture …
methodologies that address broad research questions, aiming to describe a bigger picture …
Effects of air pollution on health: A map** review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Background There has been a notable increase in knowledge production on air pollution
and human health. Objective To analyze the state of the art on the effects of air pollution on …
and human health. Objective To analyze the state of the art on the effects of air pollution on …
Facial emotion recognition in patients with depression compared to healthy controls when using human avatars
The negative, mood-congruent cognitive bias described in depression, as well as excessive
rumination, have been found to interfere with emotional processing. This study focuses on …
rumination, have been found to interfere with emotional processing. This study focuses on …
Effects of air pollution on the health of older adults during physical activities: Map** review
Atmospheric pollutants present environmental threats to health and have been investigated
in different environments, such as highways, squares, parks, and gyms. These environments …
in different environments, such as highways, squares, parks, and gyms. These environments …
A systematic map** on automatic classification of fake news in social media
JV de Souza, J Gomes Jr, FM Souza Filho… - Social Network Analysis …, 2020 - Springer
Social media has become the primary source for rumor spreading, and information quality is
an increasingly important issue in this context. In the last years, many researchers have …
an increasingly important issue in this context. In the last years, many researchers have …
Heritage interpretation and sustainable development: A systematic literature review
M Nowacki - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Heritage interpretation is an educational activity that provides information on natural and
cultural heritage to people visiting heritage sites and objects. The article aims to identify …
cultural heritage to people visiting heritage sites and objects. The article aims to identify …
Cognitive remediation interventions in autism spectrum condition: A systematic review
Y Dandil, K Smith, E Kinnaird, C Toloza… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Background Autism spectrum condition (ASC) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition
characterized by difficulties in social cognition and heterogeneity of executive function which …
characterized by difficulties in social cognition and heterogeneity of executive function which …
Economic evaluation of cataract: a systematic map** review
J Ginel, N Burguera, C Rocha-de-Lossada… - Ophthalmology and …, 2023 - Springer
Introduction The purpose of this article was to ascertain the existing literature and find the
gaps in economic evaluations of cataracts. Methods Systematic methods were used to …
gaps in economic evaluations of cataracts. Methods Systematic methods were used to …
How interpersonal distance between avatar and human influences facial affect recognition in immersive virtual reality
J Del Aguila, LM González-Gualda, MA Játiva… - Frontiers in …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal interpersonal distance
(IPD) between humans and affective avatars in facial affect recognition in immersive virtual …
(IPD) between humans and affective avatars in facial affect recognition in immersive virtual …
Self and other mentalizing polarities and dimensions of mental health: association with types of symptoms, functioning and well-being
Research suggests that the ability to understand one's own and others' minds, or
mentalizing, is a key factor for mental health. Most studies have focused the attention on the …
mentalizing, is a key factor for mental health. Most studies have focused the attention on the …