Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review
Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review | Emerald Insight Books
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and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced search …
The present and future of intellectual capital in the healthcare sector: A systematic literature review
Purpose This systematic literature review analyzes and identifies research areas where
researchers have already studied the role of intellectual capital (IC) in the healthcare sector …
researchers have already studied the role of intellectual capital (IC) in the healthcare sector …
Evaluating the role of social capital, tacit knowledge sharing, knowledge quality and reciprocity in determining innovation capability of an organization
Purpose Knowledge sharing has become an integral part of organizations' business
strategies, along with aiding organizations to grow and innovate in the market, and gain …
strategies, along with aiding organizations to grow and innovate in the market, and gain …
Transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, organizational climate and learning: an empirical study
EJ Kim, S Park - Leadership & organization development journal, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose This study examined the relationships among transformational leadership,
organizational climate, employees' knowledge-sharing behavior and organizational …
organizational climate, employees' knowledge-sharing behavior and organizational …
Fostering organizational learning through leadership and knowledge sharing
S Park, EJ Kim - Journal of knowledge management, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among transformational
leadership, knowledge sharing climate and behavior, interpersonal trust and organizational …
leadership, knowledge sharing climate and behavior, interpersonal trust and organizational …
Top-down knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior (IWB): a three-way moderated-mediation analysis of self-efficacy and local/foreign status
Purpose This paper aims to examine the consequences for innovative work behavior (IWB)
of top-down knowledge hiding–that is, supervisors' knowledge hiding from supervisees …
of top-down knowledge hiding–that is, supervisors' knowledge hiding from supervisees …
Promoting professionals' innovative behaviour through knowledge sharing: the moderating role of social capital
The authors' conceptual model proposes a direct relationship between knowledge sharing
behaviours and employees' innovative behaviour, moderated by employees' perception of …
behaviours and employees' innovative behaviour, moderated by employees' perception of …
Servant leadership and team performance: The mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate
C Song, KR Park, SW Kang - Social Behavior and Personality …, 2015 - ingentaconnect.com
We examined servant leadership as a precursor to a knowledge-sharing climate and
demonstrated the mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate in the relationship between …
demonstrated the mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate in the relationship between …
Nexus between intellectual capital and profitability with interaction effects: panel data evidence from the Indian healthcare industry
R Tiwari - Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study seeks to understand the nexus between intellectual capital and
profitability of healthcare firms in India with interaction effects. Design/methodology …
profitability of healthcare firms in India with interaction effects. Design/methodology …
Building a knowledge sharing climate amid shadows of sabotage: a microfoundational perspective into job satisfaction and knowledge sabotage
Purpose Drawing on the microfoundations theory and rational choice sociology, this study
aims to investigate knowledge-sharing microfoundations through knowledge sabotage …
aims to investigate knowledge-sharing microfoundations through knowledge sabotage …