Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review

M Massaro, J Dumay, A Garlatti - Journal of knowledge management, 2015 -
Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review | Emerald Insight Books
and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open Access Publish with us Advanced search …

The present and future of intellectual capital in the healthcare sector: A systematic literature review

N Paoloni, G Mattei, A Dello Strologo… - Journal of Intellectual …, 2020 -
Purpose This systematic literature review analyzes and identifies research areas where
researchers have already studied the role of intellectual capital (IC) in the healthcare sector …

Evaluating the role of social capital, tacit knowledge sharing, knowledge quality and reciprocity in determining innovation capability of an organization

A Ganguly, A Talukdar, D Chatterjee - Journal of knowledge …, 2019 -
Purpose Knowledge sharing has become an integral part of organizations' business
strategies, along with aiding organizations to grow and innovate in the market, and gain …

Transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, organizational climate and learning: an empirical study

EJ Kim, S Park - Leadership & organization development journal, 2020 -
Purpose This study examined the relationships among transformational leadership,
organizational climate, employees' knowledge-sharing behavior and organizational …

Fostering organizational learning through leadership and knowledge sharing

S Park, EJ Kim - Journal of knowledge management, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among transformational
leadership, knowledge sharing climate and behavior, interpersonal trust and organizational …

Top-down knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior (IWB): a three-way moderated-mediation analysis of self-efficacy and local/foreign status

GA Arain, ZA Bhatti, I Hameed, YH Fang - Journal of Knowledge …, 2020 -
Purpose This paper aims to examine the consequences for innovative work behavior (IWB)
of top-down knowledge hiding–that is, supervisors' knowledge hiding from supervisees …

Promoting professionals' innovative behaviour through knowledge sharing: the moderating role of social capital

M Mura, E Lettieri, G Radaelli, N Spiller - Journal of Knowledge …, 2013 -
The authors' conceptual model proposes a direct relationship between knowledge sharing
behaviours and employees' innovative behaviour, moderated by employees' perception of …

Servant leadership and team performance: The mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate

C Song, KR Park, SW Kang - Social Behavior and Personality …, 2015 -
We examined servant leadership as a precursor to a knowledge-sharing climate and
demonstrated the mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate in the relationship between …

Nexus between intellectual capital and profitability with interaction effects: panel data evidence from the Indian healthcare industry

R Tiwari - Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2022 -
Purpose This study seeks to understand the nexus between intellectual capital and
profitability of healthcare firms in India with interaction effects. Design/methodology …

Building a knowledge sharing climate amid shadows of sabotage: a microfoundational perspective into job satisfaction and knowledge sabotage

FA Perotti, Z Rozsa, M Kuděj, A Ferraris - Journal of Knowledge …, 2024 -
Purpose Drawing on the microfoundations theory and rational choice sociology, this study
aims to investigate knowledge-sharing microfoundations through knowledge sabotage …